Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Be Smart, Don’t start. - 912 Words
Be Smart, Don’t start. We can vividly recall the endless television commercials from reporters and speeches we received from teachers that informed us of the side affects of smoking. As young boys, neither one of us quite understood what was so bad about smoking. We just knew it was frowned upon, and it was strictly discouraged by our parents. Recently our foundations were shaken when we read an article by Peter Brimelow that presented smoking as beneficial and a preventative tool against certain diseases and cancers. Was our education about smoking just a myth programmed into our heads? According to Brimelow it was. Brimelow provides clear and evident research and statistics supporting the fact that smoking is healthy.†¦show more content†¦He includes the results of British researcher D.M. Warburton, whose studies show that smoking stimulates alertness, dexterity, and cognitive capacity for the smoker. Alertness and dexterity can be useful when trying to stay awake while driving for example . It is also stated that by smoking one can either be stimulated or calmed depending on how the cigarette is smoked (Brimelow 141). These are examples of grounds that back up Brimelow’s major claim that smoking is good for one’s health. Thank You for Not Smoking One of the main reasons Brimelow insists that smoking can be good for one is the fact that it can be beneficial to one’s health. Every person is concerned with their health and they want to do the best things possible to preserve their health as long as possible. Therefore, if smoking helps preserve our health, everyone should be smoking. But why is there so much talk of the negative effects of smoking? According to the Health Tobacco Report, eighty percent of smokers die of lung cancer. Also, twenty-five percent of heart attacks are caused from smoking. In addition, the death rate of smoking females on birth control is three times higher than that of non-smoking females. There are 487,000 smoking related deaths each year. This number is higher than deaths related to drugs, alcohol, murder, and fires combined. Other reports done state alarming statistics such as one in every three Americans die fromShow MoreRelatedChildren Are Being Raised Isn t The Correct Way?1563 Words  | 7 PagesHow many people have told their child how smart they are? How intelligent they have become because they can distinguish from the color red and the color blue? Many I suppose, because that’s what a good parent says to their kids when they do something good. What if the way some children are being raised isn’t the correct way? By the correct way means with the correct mentality to go on with life, education, and the struggles that they can have in their future. 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