Thursday, September 3, 2020
The Soviet Socialist Leader essays
The Soviet Socialist Leader papers Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, all the more famously known as Lenin, is seemingly the best pioneer in Russian and Soviet Union History. Lenin enlivened and drove the Bolshevik (Socialist) Revolution of 1917, and was the modeler and first leader of the as of late disassembled United Soviet Socialist Republic. I would likewise contend that the Bolshevik Upheaval is the most noteworthy political occasion of the twentieth century, and Lenin must for great or sick be viewed as the century's most critical political pioneer. Not just in the academic circles of the previous Soviet Union however even among numerous non-Communist researchers, he has been viewed as both the best progressive pioneer and progressive legislator ever, just as the best progressive scholar since Lenins significant authority power stemmed essentially from his dreams and the energetic habits in which he passed on them. This was never more apparent than during the Communist Revolution. Lenin didn't have an extraordinary military brain, nor his officers and consultants, and in this manner he made a portion of the more genuine military botches of the century. In any case, Lenin had the option to constantly move the Bolshevik armed force regardless of their numerous thrashings. Dwarfed, outgunned, starving, freezing, and depleted, Lenins roused armed force crushed the Mensheviks in 1918 and seized Adding to the awe of his administration capacity, Lenin controlled the Bolshevik unrest from another nation. Lenin fled to Switzerland for the more prominent part of the 1917 Revolution to get away from conceivable catch and execution. While in Switzerland, he created numerous romantic works, including Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism (1916). In this book, Lenin contended that the universal war was an inescapable result of Western free enterprise and government, whereby the industrialist conditions of Europe had come to depend upon forceful remote expansi ... <!
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Hero in John Steinbecks Cannery Row :: Cannery Row Essays
The Disappointment As Hero in Cannery Row It is Doc, in Cannery Row, who gives the goal and nonteleological perspective which is to be found in such a large number of Steinbeck's works. For Doc, himself liberated from the get-get-get theory of the universe of the machine by goodness of his science, his separation, his delicacy, and his own refusal to be driven into either Social Importance or the job of Social Judge, demands that the young men of the Palace Flophouse are all inclusive images instead of minor ne'er-do-wells. What's more, what they represent is just this: the frenzy of a world in which the individuals who appreciate life most are those whom the world considers disappointments. For Mack and the young men unquestionably are disappointments in everything except for humankind and life itself: Mack and the young men . . . are the Virtues, the Graces, the Beauties of the rushed ravaged madness of Monterey and the inestimable Monterey where men in dread and yearning demolish their stomachs in the battle to make sure about certain food, where men longing for love demolish everything adorable about them . . . On the planet governed by tigers with ulcers, rutted by strictured bulls, searched by daze jackals, Mac and the young men eat gently with the tigers, pet the wild eyed calves, and wrap up the morsels to take care of the ocean gulls of Cannery Row. What would it be able to benefit a man to pick up the entire world and go to his property with a gastric ulcer, a blown prostate, and bifocals? Mack and the young men maintain a strategic distance from the snare, step over the toxic substance. . . . I think they make due in this specific world superior to other individuals. In when individuals destroy themselves with desire and apprehension and rapaciousness, they are loose. The entirety of our alleged effective men are wiped out men, with terrible stomachs, furthermore, terrible spirits, yet Mack and the young men are solid and inquisitively spotless. They can do what they need. They can fulfill their hungers without calling them something different. What's more, the last oddity of all, Doc proceeds (a conundrum which confounds Ethan Hawley in The Winter of Our Discontent), is the way that ideals like genuineness, immediacy, and thoughtfulness are - in the realm of the machine - nearly
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Boyles Law Definition in Chemistry
Boyle's Law Definition in Chemistry Boyles law expresses that the weight of a perfect gas increments as its holder volume diminishes. Scientific expert and physicist Robert Boyle distributed the law in 1662. The gas law is some of the time called Mariottes law or the Boyle-Mariotte law since French physicist Edme Mariotte autonomously found a similar law in 1679. Boyles Law Equation Boyles law is a perfect gas law where at a consistent temperature, the volume of a perfect gas is conversely corresponding to its supreme weight. There are a few different ways of communicating the law as a condition. The most essential one states: PV k where P is pressure, V is volume, and k is a consistent. The law may likewise be utilized to discover the weight or volume of a framework when the temperature is held steady: PiVi PfVf where: Pi introductory pressureVi beginning volumePf last pressureVf last volume Boyles Law and Human Breathing Boyles law might be applied to clarify how individuals inhale and breathe out air. At the point when the stomach grows and contracts, lung volume increments and diminishes, changing the pneumatic stress within them. The weight distinction between the inside of the lungs and the outside air creates either inward breath or exhalation. Sources Levine, Ira. N (1978). Physical Chemistry. College of Brooklyn: McGraw-Hill.Tortora, Gerald J. furthermore, Dickinson, Bryan. Aspiratory Ventilation in Principles of Anatomy and Physiologyâ 11th release. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2006, pp. 863-867.
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell Essay Example
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell Paper All through North and South, Elizabeth Gaskell depicts the connections between different characters on either sides of the obvious class division that exists all through the novel. Gaskell utilizes different people to depict various assessments and points of view of this gap. In this manner introducing likenesses and contrasts through shared view and varying perspectives on the numerous issues in plain view inside the novel itself. Elizabeth utilizes the people to transmute one anothers observations or to be sure misinterpretations of one another in manners that will be clarified. One can at first point to Margaret as a person who is utilized to arrange the class partition all through the initial sections of North and South. The title itself and the difference in title from Margaret Hale to North and South shows the significance of the courageous woman, Margaret in breaking the separation among North and South. In Chapter One Margaret starts as an individual from Shaw family, an upper working class family at that point advances to the Hales, her actual guardians who are lower in economic wellbeing and riches. This shows the idea of Margarets character from the get-go and how she will in time progress further and haggle between classes in more prominent profundity. This proceeds quickly with her new life in Milton, upon where she sees a factory specialist viciously beaten for minimal possible explanation. This features Gaskells point in utilizing Elizabeth to make a level of compassion toward the belittled aggressor common laborers of the mechanical period. This can be seen to a significantly more noteworthy degree with the relationship hit up by Margaret with Higgins and her resultant kinship with Bessy. We will compose a custom exposition test on North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer In fact, this is a relationship snooty by Margaret; demonstrating her sympathetic roots and wish to cross the clear class separate. We see that Margaret asks Bessy May I go with you and genuinely thinks about what sort of life have you [Bessy] driven? This all happens during the initial sections, making an impression of Margaret as a character who wishes to discover shared opinion between classes through connections produced; in this manner crossing class limits. Mr Thornton is another individual whos associations with others and those of different classes are telling and from numerous points of view cross the partition more naturally than Margaret. The explanation behind this exists in Mr Thorntons common laborers foundation and his somewhat brilliant ascent to riches, therefore ascending the stepping stool of societal position. While he might be seen by numerous individuals as a run of the mill factory proprietor, treating his laborers with a clench hand of iron, the significance of his character is obvious. He has indicated that cash can permit one to rise above all thoughts of class as Mr Thornton currently engages the Mayor and significant authorities from London. To be sure later in the book Bessy was shocked that the informed and refined Hales had been welcome to the Thorntons family unit as she states to Margaret, beggin yo pardon, yo not got a lot of cash. Anyway this might be a mentality increasingly common in the north of England and Milton, where cash appeared to be esteemed most importantly. In this manner featuring the characteristic split clarified by the title itself, among North and South. This complexity can likewise be found in the manner by which hirelings are treated in the North and South. Surely, the Hales have an apparent southern point of view and approach Dixon with deference and permit her opportunity to pick her own staff and run the family unit. This relationship was enormously disapproved of by Mrs Thornton who watched your worker isnt occupied enough Mrs Hale. This features the contrast among classes and the manner by which these distinctions are drawn nearer by various individuals. While the Hales whose notoriety was set up through right of birth, the Thorntons worked for their cash and rose from humble beginnings to a recently made class of the neauvou-riche. This marvel was unquestionably increasingly predominant in the modern town and factories of the North as opposed to the more settled ventures of the south where class was a significantly more fixed and profound situated issue. Anyway apparently Mrs Thorntons humble beginnings have driven her to be more contemptuous of those socially underneath her than the Hales. She spoke harshly to her servant and gave a disdainful look. Mr Hale also can be believed to treat the plant laborers along these lines, I have to work them hard, they have the right to additional. It is thus certain that while the class partition is recognized and generally clung to by both the Hales and the Thorntons (except for Margaret), the Thorntons show up considerably more inflexible in their convictions. Taking everything into account it is obvious that Gaskell arranges the connections among classes and people in the initial sections of the novel by tending to the key division and the various perspectives to it. The initial parts can be believed to show a plenty of differentiating convictions and activities, serving to feature the obvious class polarity. It is additionally obvious that Margaret as a character is being utilized to discover similitudes and create positive connections between classes as she does with the Higgins. Very in opposition to this is the demeanor of Mr Thornton and his mom for the initial sections and this relationship shows the contrast between mentalities of the North and South. To be sure, one may contend that while the Thorntons have riches and economic wellbeing, they don't have class, accordingly they can never really fit into the blue-blooded society they obviously hunger for.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Abolish the Death Penalty essays
Abrogate the Death Penalty papers Capital punishment is a significant issue that raises a great deal of contentions in our general public. The most significant inquiry concerning capital punishment is whether it ought to be canceled or not. I imagine that capital punishment is a definitive refusal of human rights. It disregards the privilege to life as announced in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is a definitive pitiless, brutal, and debasing discipline. Race, social and financial status, area of wrongdoing, and unadulterated possibility might be integral factors in death condemning. In expansion, examiners look for capital punishment unquestionably more every now and again when the survivor of the murder is white than when the casualty is dark. The real expense of an execution is generously higher than the expense of detaining an individual forever. Demise was some time ago the punishment for all crimes in English law. By and by the capital punishment was never applied as broadly as the law gave, as an assortment of techniques were embraced to diminish the cruelty of the law. Numerous guilty parties who submitted capital violations were absolved, as a rule on condition that they consented to be moved to what were then the American provinces; others were permitted what was known as advantage of clergy(Ploski 2). The start of advantage of pastorate was that guilty parties who were set up clerics were dependent upon preliminary by the congregation courts instead of the non-strict courts. In the event that the wrongdoer sentenced for a crime could show that he had be appointed, he was permitted to go free, subject to the chance of being rebuffed by the clerical courts. In medieval occasions the main verification of appointment was education, and it turned into the custom by the seventeenth century to permit anybody indicted for a lawful offense to get away from capital punishment by In eighteenth century England worry with increasing wrongdoing prompted numerous resolutions either expanding the quantity of offenses culpable with death or getting rid of advantage of church for existing fel... <!
SIPA Love Stories Love. Set. Match. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
SIPA Love Stories Love. Set. Match. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Valentines Day is right around the corner, and this time last year I shared a weeks worth of love stories featuring some of our Seeple. Ive teamed up with Columbia Alumni Association again to bring you even more SIPA-centered love connections. This couple was brought together by their love of tennis almost two decades ago, and tied the knot in the fall. Michelle and Katies love story I was a senior in high school and on my tennis recruiting trip at Columbia when I first met Katie (then a CC freshman on the Women’s Tennis Team). I was immediately impressed with her graceful one-handed backhand that reminded me of a bygone era of classic tennis. What also stood out to me was that she was so friendly and cheerful, asking me tons of questions about myself to try to make me feel at ease. To be honest, this had the opposite effect and made me feel slightly uneasy. We’ve laughed about this first encounter so many times. I was a reserved and suspicious New Yorker and Katie was an outgoing and bubbly Southern California girl it was obvious that we came from different worlds. It wasn’t until the following year, when I was a freshman at Columbia and teammates with Katie, that we really got to know one another. We soon became inseparable, she the yin to my yang, and it slowly became obvious to everyone that we were much more than just friends. Fast forward eighteen years and we’re still inseparable, now settled in San Francisco after years of chasing each other around the globe and living in Washington D.C., San Diego, New York and Colorado. I am happy and proud to announce that we just got married on October 30, 2015 (elatedly following the Supreme Court decision to allow same sex couples to marry across the U.S.). Our wedding was a small but elegant affair, with the ceremony being on the Mayor’s Balcony at San Francisco’s City Hall and the reception at the Legion of Honor it was the perfect setting, surrounded by Rodin sculptures. Having Rodin’s “Thinker†at the Legion of Honor was a primary factor in choosing this venue, as it brought us back to our wonderful days together on the steps, in the classroom and on the courts at Columbia University. Michelle Haruvi, CC ’01 and Katie Umekubo, CC ’00, SIPA ‘03 Photo courtesy of Michelle Haruvi | Michelle and Katies wedding ceremony at City Hall and reception at the Legion of Honor in San Francisco, CA.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Treaty of Versailles Triumph or Tragedy - Free Essay Example
This specifically suggests that the treaty of Versailles and the war guilt clause imposed numerous burdens on Germany and deprived it from ever being able to rise to power. This subsequently led to the development of numerous political parties that promoted national socialism such as the Nazis which ideology of racial hierarchy and Social Darwinism. These parties stood against accepting these unfair policies that just benefited the past Allied powers and were in fact imposed without Germanys consent, as this treaty was signed by British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, French Premier George Clemenceau and US President Woodrow Wilson in the Hall of mirrors (which in fact was the same place where Germany had previously proclaimed its empire). All of the mixed feelings that arose from these actions became reasons that directly supported the development of the Nazi party conducted by Adolf Hitler which fed upon this hatred and proclaimed Germans as a supremacist race. Which is why upon Hitlers appointment as Germanys Chancellor in 1933 he began to secretly build Germanys army and weapons. And by 1934 he had increased the overall size of his army by building warships and creating other military branches, such as the German Air Force. Although, it all initiated following the creation of the German Workers Party in 1919 (which promoted German pride and anti-semitism) it was the dissatisfaction over the Treaty of Versailles and Hitlers rise in power (primarily due to his speeches that were directed primarily the young and economically disadvantaged Germans) that paved way to the development of the Nazi Party. Furthermore, upon Hitlers appointment as Chancellor hi autobiography Mein Kampf (which was written during his five years in prison due to the attempt to overthrow Germanys government in 192) this book became a form of bible for the Nazi Party. Primarily, due to Hitlers overall charismatic attitude which was able to convince individuals to join th e cause. As he claimed that Germany needed Lebensraum or living space as he urged germans to join his struggle to reach independence and gain all of the territories that were taken from them. He also appealed to the public by his Four Year Plan which would call for slum clearance, the construction of roads that prevented Germany from communicating and continuing its overall trading relationship with other nations. Furthermore, Adolf Hitler decided to break part of one of the agreements from the Treaty of Versailles as he decided to invade the demilitarized zone of Rhineland in 1936 which Germany was prohibited to introduce any troops into but due to the fact that this was a critical area for the French (as it represented a type of barrier that would protect the French if Germany would become engaged in war again) they did not try to stop Hitler as 30,000 Nazi soldiers invaded this area. Following this event Hitler developed two major alliances between Fascist germany and Italy and between germany and the Japanese empire that would in fact change the course of the situation between Germany and the other nations and would shape the course of WWII as they offered their full support to Germany in times of war. Which directly explains why Hitler began to take almost full control over Europe and forcefully invaded Czechoslovakia in 1939 which subsequently led to a conflict between Germany, Britain a nd France as these began to fear that Hitler would attempt to invade Poland and due to these threatened that if he did they would go to war and as Hitler refused to bring his idea of expansion and revenge to a close and invaded Poland on September 1st, 1939 this event was considered as the last straw as it marked the beginning to horrendous events such as the inhalation of Jews (in the Holocaust) and WWII.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Baby Boomer vs. Generation X - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 900 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/10/31 Category Society Essay Level High school Topics: Baby Boomer Genertation Essay Did you like this example? The workforce is a fierce, competitive market today. Multiple generations fight for a spot in a company to secure a job; each demonstrating different characteristics that prove they are the best in the business. Baby Boomers earned the nickname by the 2.4 million births within the years of 1941-1964. Generation X, born from 1965-1984, is known as the latchkey children, since their parents were forced into the workplace, leaving them alone at home(Odavia). In the workforce, two generations that show dramatically different styles of performance are Baby Boomers and Generation X. Baby Boomers and Generation X grew up in diverse settings. Boomers were born with parents being home all the time and television being the main form of technology. Generation X grew up with minimal knowledge of computers, but the room was available for improvement with technology. Claire A. Simmers, Ph.D., chair of the management department at Saint Josephs University in Philadelphia states that The fastest growing group of users on Facebook is Baby Boomers and the older generation (quoted in Training). Although Boomers use Social Media as often, the skills do not relay to work. Janet Winner, Ph.D., manager of instructional design for Training Solutions, explains that When we train someone in a self-instructional situation, we have to make sure that we provide the training tools to ease them into the new media, whether its using an online course or sitting them at a computer lab and making sure they know how to log in (quoted in Training). Baby Boomers are more technology savvy t han most generations give them credit. At the same rate, Generation X is the first generation to grow up with technology. Due to this, Gen X cares more about work rate than hours spent completing a task. To Generation X, technology may not always be helpful. According to Jean Kruise, Generation X prefers direct and immediate communication of any kind. Generation X uses technology in their work, but may not always use it. They prefer the older ways of communication, instead of emails and phone calls. No matter how much technology affects workplace lives, preferences will always work over the new technologies of the world.        Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Baby Boomer vs. Generation X" essay for you Create order Due to the generational differences, Baby Boomers and Gen X possess different learning preferences. According to Susan Milligans article Wisdom of the Ages, Conflicts often arise from different learning styles, especially as they relate to how information is acquired and used (26). This knowledge can help the generations realize everyone learns differently; but, they must come together as a whole. Baby Boomers are a very sociable generation. The learning style of a Baby Boomer is they prefer to be apart of interactive, or group learning. Boomers also need time to practice applying any new skills they may learn. Finally, they link learning to new ways to add value. At the same time, Gen X has a different learning style. Gen X uses more technology, creating a better understanding of the situation at hand. Hands-on learning is popular with Gen X. Most learn better being involved in the work, rather than reading or writing information down. Gen X prefers skill-based learning, to make lea rning fun (Milligan 26). Jan Baker, Senior VP of human resources at Autodesk says she hosts coffee mornings so staff can brainstorm together (quoted in Milligan 26). The two generations differ in learning styles; therefore, each works appropriately for the generation.        Baby Boomers and Generation X have different reasons for working. Baby Boomers are considered the perfect generation. Many Boomers are in the workforce because of new jobs created for the enormous number of Boomers. For example, new technologies were being created, so businesses needed more workers to work within companies. Employers created different and sometimes random jobs for Boomers. There were 2.4 million Baby Boomer births, so 2.4 million jobs were needed to be filled. Some older generations believe the Baby Boomers have not lived up to the standards set by the G.I. Generation (Ovadia). Boomers perception of the workplace was shaped by what is seen on television. Boomers saw television as the real life and that any and all work was going to be identical to what was on television. In some cases, this was true. On the other hand, Gen Xs reason for working is different. Generation X is known for the lack of motivation within the workplace. The ma in reason Gen X works is to provide for themselves. Gen X has been called latchkey children (Ovadia). They were left to fend for themselves as economic changes drove mothers into the workplace (Reynolds). This experience created a lot more independence within Gen X. Generation X struggled to find jobs due to the Boomers had filled most of the positions within workspaces. As mentioned in Dan Reynolds article Across the Generations. Generation X lacks ambition. If a group of Gen X is put together in a work assignment, not a lot of success will come out of the group. The reason for work from Gen X is to pay bills, eat, and live. Baby Boomers and Generation X workplace goals differ in drastic ways. In conclusion, Baby Boomers and Generation X are not at all similar. Each generation has had historical events that impacted technology preferences, learning preferences, and reasons for working. Each generation shows how their background defines the workplace. Hope for the future can be seen when bosses of companies come together to overcome generational differences.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Women s Rights Movement - 886 Words
Every reformation requires a leaderâ€â€someone to set an example for them, to remind them what they are fighting for, to be the first person to stand up for their cause. Each leader represents every individual in their movement and they have to be willing to sacrifice everything for the cause of their movement. As entrepreneur Bo Bennet said, â€Å"Without initiative, leaders are simply workers in leadership position.†In the women’s rights movement, there was someone who defied all standards set up for women in the 1800s and took chances for the cause of suffrage and equalityâ€â€Susan Brownell Anthony. Born into a Quaker family in New York, Anthony grew up under the notion of social equality and pursued independence as a young woman. This led her to pursue several imperative movements such as temperance, abolition and her most profound and recognized reformationâ€â€women’s rights. Susan B. Anthony played a critical role in changing the directio n of the women’s rights movement and its success by demonstrating her authority as a leader and breaking the standards of society for women. Even in the 1800s, most of the United States lived in a patriarchal society, where women were given little to no opportunities. However, there was a group of people who acknowledged and promoted equality within the sexesâ€â€the Quakers. This gave Susan B. Anthony a unique advantage in becoming a leader in the women’s rights movement since she grew up in a strict Quaker household. Therefore it could beShow MoreRelatedThe Women s Rights Movement702 Words  | 3 Pagesthat the women’s rights movement in the United States failed to accomplish its goals in the early –mid 19th century because the slavery issue was never resolved is unfounded. In the early-mid 19th century, women began to demand change in American society, as they challenged the traditional roles of women politically, socially, and economically. - political, social, and economic change {Challenged the traditional views of women - pushed the boundaries – public sphere/life of women changed dramaticallyRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement874 Words  | 4 Pages1848 to 1920, the women’s rights movement demonstrated the first true act of feminism, founded by a group of women rights activists to combat against women’s suffrage in the United States. By the 1960’s radical feminists also known as the woman’s liberation movement once again took up the fight for equality amongst men and woman, yet by the late 1990’s early 2000’s it had begun to change, losing its primary focus of fighting for a woman’s right, and becoming a burden on women today. The blowback fromRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement1659 Words  | 7 Pagesmen and women, the women’s rights movement in Pakistan has just begun. People are starting to protest against discriminations that women face in their daily lives that disable them from having a voice in society. Some of these discriminations involve men being able to divorce their wives without her consent, women’s voices having half the weight of a man’s in court, and female heirs inheriting less money or property than a male heir (â€Å"Sharia†, 9). Groups like the Pakistani Women’s Rights OrganizationRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement Essay987 Words  | 4 Pagesthat occurs is that women were never given the opportunity to voice their opinion on what kind of job that they should do. In addition, voting at this point of time for women was quite impractical. The wartime was a difficult time for women who wanted to capitalize on an opportunity. They wanted a job to prove to men that they are much stronger. However, there was hope when the U.S. woman’s rights movement began. A woman by the name of Elizabeth Cady Stanton started the movement at Seneca Falls, NewRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement1366 Words  | 6 PagesW omen’s Rights Movement The equality women have today did not just happen over night.In this passage there will be evidence of an impowering fight that women over came to say WE ARE IMPORTANT TO!! All the brave strong women that fought this battle, along with the obstacles women still face today.Also the surprising fact that women’s rights also consists of racism and sexual orientation.This movement was necessary, and is truly an accomplishment in history. The first outbreak of confidentRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement1091 Words  | 5 PagesAmerican history, women have constantly been suppressed. It was believed overall that women were not supposed to work, but to stay home, cook, clean, make clothes, and take care of the child(ren). Basically, a woman was considered her husband’s property. It was not until 1920s that women were finally able to get the rights they deserve, such as birth control, new divorce laws, and ultimately the right to vote, which was the main focus of the Women’s Rights Movement. This movement consisted of manyRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement1547 Words  | 7 PagesFlorida SouthWestern State College The Women’s Rights Movement What was the significance of the Seneca Falls Convention on the Women’s Rights Movement? Jennifer Flores AMH2010 Mr. Stehlin 16 November 2015 The Women’s Rights Movement began in 1848 with the first assembly of women and men gathering to discuss the civil, social, and other conditions of women. The Seneca Falls Convention was the start of the women’s movement. The two women who organized this event were Lucretia Mott andRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement1420 Words  | 6 Pageswomen’s rights movement in the United States in the early –mid 19th century did not fail to accomplish its goals, as slavery was not an issue women wanted to resolve (address?) In the early-mid 19th century, some women began to demand change in American society (as they challenged the traditional roles of women politically, socially, and economically?) -political, social, and economic change {challenged the traditional views of women - pushed the boundaries – public sphere/life of women changedRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement1620 Words  | 7 Pageshas improved over the last several years in the broader culture and by police, self-blame and shame has persisted among victims, leaving them just as unwilling to come forward.†(Gray. para. 10) The women’s rights movement is still going strong, and there have been major accomplishments for women within the last several decades. In 1968, the fair housing act made it no longer possible for a woman to be turned down by a landlord based solely on her being female. In 1986, the legal definition of ‘sexualRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement881 Words  | 4 PagesThe Women’s Rights Movement, 1848–1920 1. â€Å"The first gathering devoted to women’s rights in the United States was held July 19–20, 1848, in Seneca Falls, New York.†2. Principal organizers : Elizabeth Cady Stanton (a mother of four, the Quaker, abolitionist ) 3. Social and institutional barriers that limited women’s rights: family responsibilities, a lack of educational and economic opportunities, and the absence of a voice in political debates. 4. Stanton and Anthony created the National Woman
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin Essay - 1390 Words
Forgotten Voices Margarita Engle, a poet, and novelist, once said, â€Å"Marriage without love is just one more twisted form of slavery.†In the eighteenth century, marriage was the exit door of many women from their homes whether they believed in love and filled their hearts with hope, or had no choice, and they were sold to men as if they were cattle. In The Story of an Hour, Kate Chopin shows complex issues such as marriage, independence, symbols, and ironies. After hearing the news that Brently Mallard was dead in a railroad accident, Richards, Mr. Mallard’s friend, went to the house to be next to Mrs. Mallard and to help her at this difficult moment. Contrary to what everyone was worried about, Mrs. Mallard knew that she would lament her husband’s death, but she was full of hope, dreaming of her freedom, appreciating life beyond the window, and a new beginning. Unfortunately, Mrs. Mallard’s dreams faded when she went downstairs and her husband arrived alive, and she could not stand it and died. Focusing on The Story of an Hour, there are three main points related to women in the early eighteenth century, such as oppressive marriages, women’s new perspective and ways of liberation, and women’s submission and obedience that demonstrates how women survived, even though they were not heard. Back in the eighteenth century, marriage was seen as a business contract without considering love as the main reason for any relationship. According to Ingrid H. Tague, an assistantShow MoreRelatedThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin1241 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"The Story of an Hour†by Kate Chopin is a wonderful short story bursting with many peculiar twists and turns. Written in 1894, the author tells a tale of a woman who learns of her husband’s death, but comes to find pleasure in it. Many of the elements Kate Chopin writes about in this story symbolize something more than just the surface meaning. Through this short story, told in less than one thousand one hundred words, Kate Chopin illustrates a deeper meaning of Mrs. Mallard’s marriage with herRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin855 Words  | 4 PagesThe Story of an Hour In the â€Å"Story of an Hour†by Kate Chopin, is about pleasure of freedom and the oppression of marriage. Just like in Kate Chopin’s story, inside most marriages, even the ones that seem to be the happiest, one can be oppressed. Even though, one might seem to be happy deep inside they miss the pleasure of freedom and living life to the fullest. Just like, in this story Mrs. Mallard feels trapped and when she hears about her husband’s death she first feels distraught, but ultimatelyRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin1457 Words  | 6 PagesEmotions and Death Everyone who reads a story will interpret things slightly different than the person who reads it before or after him or her. This idea plays out with most every story, book, song, and movie. These interpretations create conflict and allow people to discuss different ideas and opinions. Without this conflict of thought there is no one devoting time to debate the true meaning of a text. Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour†tells about a woman who is informed of her husbands deathRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin987 Words  | 4 PagesIn Kate Chopin’s short story, â€Å"The Story of an Hour†reader’s see a potentially long story put into a few pages filled with rising action, climax and even death. In the beginning of the story, character Louise Mallard, who has a heart condition, is told of the death of her husband by her sister and one of her husband’s friends. Afterwards Mrs. Mallard is filled with emptiness and then joy of freedom. This joy of freedom is actually what consequently leads to her death in the end when she discoversRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin1061 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout the short story, â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, readers are introduced to characters whose lives change drastically in the course of this writing. Through Kate Chopin’s story we can identify many different themes and examples of symbolism in her writing. Chopin’s choice of themes in this writing are no surprise due to the time frame of which this story was written. Chopin often wrote stories with of women’s rights, and is noted as one of America’s first open feminists. As this story of an ill, helplessRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin972 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Story of an Hour†by Kate Chopin expresses Ms. Mallard’s feelings towards her husband’s death in an appalling train accident. Due to her bad heart, her sister Josep hine had to be the bearer of bad news and approach his death gently to her. According to the quote, â€Å" But now there was a dull stare in her eyes, whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky. It was not a glance of reflection, but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought†, it lets us know thatRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin998 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The story of an hour†by Kate Chopin was a story that was ironical yet profoundly deep. As a student I have been asked to read â€Å"a story of an hour†many times, and every time I’m surprised by how I enjoy it. People can read thousands of stories in their life times and only a handful will every stand out to them, stories that can draw out an emotion or spark a thought are the ones that will standout more. For me and â€Å"a story of an hour†the thought of freedom is what draws me the most as a teenageRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kat e Chopin1542 Words  | 7 PagesIn the short story, â€Å"Story of an Hour†, Kate Chopin writes about a woman with heart trouble, Mrs. Mallard, who, in finding out about the death of her husband, Mr. Mallard, experiences some initial feelings of sadness which quickly transition into the exhilarating discovery of the idea of a newfound freedom lying in front of her. When it is later revealed that her husband is not actually dead, she realizes she will not get to taste that freedom. The devastation kills her. What Mrs. Mallard goes throughRead MoreThe Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin596 Words  | 2 PagesIn â€Å"The Story of an Hour,†Kate Chopin focuses on the idea of freedom throughout the story. Mrs. Mallard is a lonely wife who suffers from heart trouble. She is told by her sister Josephine and her husband’s friend Richards that her husband has passed away in a train accident. She locks herself in a room expecting to be devastated, but instead feels freedom. Later, she exits her room and her husband walks through the door, causing her to die of a heart attack. Chopin uses this story to demonstrateRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin886 Words  | 4 Pages In Kate Chopin â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, the reader is presented with the theme of prohibited independence. In Kate Chopin â€Å"The Storm†, the scenery in this story builds the perfect atmosphere for an adulterous affair. The importance of these stories is to understand the era they occurred. Kate Chopin wrote stories with exceptional openness about sexual desires. In â€Å"The Storm†, a short story written by Kate Chopin in a time when women were expected to act a certain way and sexual cravings was considered
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Be Smart, Don’t start. - 912 Words
Be Smart, Don’t start. We can vividly recall the endless television commercials from reporters and speeches we received from teachers that informed us of the side affects of smoking. As young boys, neither one of us quite understood what was so bad about smoking. We just knew it was frowned upon, and it was strictly discouraged by our parents. Recently our foundations were shaken when we read an article by Peter Brimelow that presented smoking as beneficial and a preventative tool against certain diseases and cancers. Was our education about smoking just a myth programmed into our heads? According to Brimelow it was. Brimelow provides clear and evident research and statistics supporting the fact that smoking is healthy.†¦show more content†¦He includes the results of British researcher D.M. Warburton, whose studies show that smoking stimulates alertness, dexterity, and cognitive capacity for the smoker. Alertness and dexterity can be useful when trying to stay awake while driving for example . It is also stated that by smoking one can either be stimulated or calmed depending on how the cigarette is smoked (Brimelow 141). These are examples of grounds that back up Brimelow’s major claim that smoking is good for one’s health. Thank You for Not Smoking One of the main reasons Brimelow insists that smoking can be good for one is the fact that it can be beneficial to one’s health. Every person is concerned with their health and they want to do the best things possible to preserve their health as long as possible. Therefore, if smoking helps preserve our health, everyone should be smoking. But why is there so much talk of the negative effects of smoking? According to the Health Tobacco Report, eighty percent of smokers die of lung cancer. Also, twenty-five percent of heart attacks are caused from smoking. In addition, the death rate of smoking females on birth control is three times higher than that of non-smoking females. There are 487,000 smoking related deaths each year. This number is higher than deaths related to drugs, alcohol, murder, and fires combined. Other reports done state alarming statistics such as one in every three Americans die fromShow MoreRelatedChildren Are Being Raised Isn t The Correct Way?1563 Words  | 7 PagesHow many people have told their child how smart they are? How intelligent they have become because they can distinguish from the color red and the color blue? Many I suppose, because that’s what a good parent says to their kids when they do something good. What if the way some children are being raised isn’t the correct way? By the correct way means with the correct mentality to go on with life, education, and the struggles that they can have in their future. As parents, we want our kids to feelRead MoreTips For Young Fashion Trends814 Words  | 4 Pagesin you room and daydream of clothes. You need to actively follow fashion and see what the industry is doing. How to best find inspiration and information? Start by watching the action happen on the runway. Whilst you might not get tickets into the shows, online sites always have plenty of photos and reviews of the shows. You also want to start reading fashion publications. If you can find good deals, you could subscribe with these magazines. If there’s no savings to be made, the magazines often haveRead MoreKnowledge Kills: Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay821 Words  | 4 Pages Albert Einstein once said â€Å"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So is a lot.†Knowledge can be good because it makes one successful. Then, it can also be very bad such as a criminal being too smart for the police, he or she can keep committing crime. Too much knowledge is dangerous because it may harm many, which means that many die or get scarred for life because of one simple guy with an excess of knowledge. First of all, too much knowledge can cause one to judge. Victor states â€Å"How can IRead MoreA Smart Phone Is The Best Invention Ever941 Words  | 4 PagesRough Draft Unit 3 Essay A smart phone is a cell phone that can complete many of the functions of a computer. It usually has a touch screen, internet access, and the ability to run download apps. Over half of the people in the United States own a smart phone. Americans today tend to believe that is was the best invention ever. Most everyone who owns a smart phone has a hard time going anywhere without it, which means they are lost without it and depend on it to help them with basic everyday needsRead MoreTips Help You Deal With Unwanted Parenting Advice1210 Words  | 5 PagesAs soon as you become a mother everyone around you starts acting like a parenting expert or childcare specialist. Your parents, in-laws, friends, cousins, colleagues, neighbors and even random people you meet in supermarkets or bus journeys offer you generous doses of advice on what you should and should not do as a parent. Unwanted and unsolicited advice from strangers can be dismissed easily with a passive smile or an â€Å"um, t hanks†. But things can get hard when harmless, yet annoying parenting adviceRead More Skinny or Smart Essay888 Words  | 4 PagesSkinny or Smart Would you rather be skinny or smart? This question hits young girls across America. Today many of our young Americans are losing weight to essentially be more â€Å"beautiful.†I use the word â€Å"beautiful†carefully because beautiful is not what is on the outside, but the inside is where it counts. Yes, some girls are naturally pretty and smart, but what some people don’t realize is that some of those girls are not eating and not exercising to get the body that they would like. ThisRead MoreGraduation Speech : My Educational Experience915 Words  | 4 Pagesonline academic skills class. Although online classes don’t do college justice you don’t really get the full college experience. As of now I am just focusing on my general education then eventually I hope to attend an RN program. So as of my educational experience this far would be high school and as Dweck author of Brainology would say I had a fixed mindset during high school even during grade school. Fixed mindsets care so much about how smart they will appear that they will reject learning opportunitiesRead MoreEducation: Make Curricula Engaging and Relevant Essay848 Words  | 4 PagesThis is an enormous question with many facets and implications. I dont claim to know how to accomplish all of these things, particularly as regards money, but here are some general thoughts and directions that I believe warrant consideration. Include everyone. That means making sure that poor neighborhoods, rural districts, and so on really do have the same access to education as wealthy neighborhoods where parents can afford to send their 3- and 4-year-olds to private preschools and can pass aRead MoreThe Characters Of Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee976 Words  | 4 Pagesprotagonist is Jean Louise â€Å"Scout†Finch. Throughout the novel, Scout learns about racism and to always keep her head high. Scout’s different features create her unique character and make her stand out from the other kids in Maycomb. She’s a tomboy, she’s smart for her age, and she’s tough, but loving. Firstly, Scout’s appearance plays a huge role in her character. She’s a tomboy. She wears overalls instead of dresses, and she isn’t interested in things the girls in her town are interested in, like dollsRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1061 Words  | 5 Pagesher illness. Reverend Parris has Reverend Hale, a minister well versed in affairs of the devil, to come and cure Betty. Many people accuse Betty’s symptoms of witchcraft, including Hale. This witchcraft conviction starts the â€Å"witch trials†. Abigail and the girls are the jury and they start accusing people one by one to cover up their lies about dancing in the woods. After accusing and killing several of their friends, Abigail accuses Elizabeth Proctor. Goody Proctor was the wife to John Proctor, Abigail’s
How to Find A Prayer for Owen Meany Essay Topics Online
How to Find A Prayer for Owen Meany Essay Topics Online Irving teaches not just the value of following ones beliefs and miracles but likewise the significance of being true to your self and others occasionally. Owen Meany, throughout the book, proves he is something past the ordinary, regardless of the fact he was extremely tiny. It's unbelievable that he's prepared to dispose of his life due to his faith in God. Faith can be seen in many various ways. It is like the wind, it cannot be seen, but it can be felt. But if it's, Irving has a rather odd means of going about it. He chooses to look for the perfect answers and pace everything with each other to solve what John believe is unbelievable. What Needs to be Done About a Prayer for Owen Meany Essay Topics So far as the students are involved, writing a research paper is among the toughest and frustrating job in their opinion. Structurally, the book isn't in chronological order. Reading example essays works exactly the same way! This isn't an instance of the work generated by our Essay Writing Service. Essays could be lightly modified for readability or to defend the anonymity of contributors, but we don't edit essay examples ahead of publication. This essay will analyze a number of the many symbolic events throughout this story. The questions within this asset will guide classroom discussions relating to this book. The violence that's shown inside this novel is employed in such a calculated manner it leaves a good impression on the audience. There are a couple errors including some conclusions that the author of the summary appears to get inferred on their own. There a more local explanation arrives to have a bigger significance. The majority of the action is accomplished through dialogue. For a story to be legitimate in the field of fine literature violence can't be utilized in a wanton method. Characteristics of a Prayer for Owen Meany Essay Topics What all you will need is getting the assistance from a specialist and EssaysChief is going to be the expert that you seek out. John at the time was too young to grasp the philosophy supporting the fate that was handed to Owen. If it's so, then you'll be having some challenging time for a student in addition to being a writer. We prefer to search the internet or drive a quick vehicle. At the academy, he's even called the Voice. Tabitha's funeral a year later happened at the exact same site. Owen's self-awareness and knowledge is the thing that allows him to feel he is headed towards the most suitable path. In the start of the novel, immediately there's a very clear difference between Owen and Johnny. He is badly injured when the grenade explodes at the last moment. The boy, Owen Meany, is sure he has some important function to play on earth, there's even discussion of angels. Owen Meany learns a good deal about himself through the duration of his life. Taylor describes two kinds of conversions. Dick bursts into the restroom, screaming he will make use of these children as practice for Vietnam. It is a great instance of his maturity. At age 11, he's the magnitude of a 5-year-old. Owen's strange small dimensions and very significant voice was a symbol too. The second is there are some hard-hitting erection jokes. You just need to know that stuff or you shouldn't write about doing it. Owen is definitely one of the strangest heroes in any text I have ever run into. Sooner or later, it feels like the entire story the OA presents is made up.
Teenagers Struggling with their Mental Health-Samples for Students
Question: You are a Systems Analyst that is part of a project that is being currently being proposed. Your task is to develop a Vision Document for this project. Answer: Overview Grown-ups are not just the individuals who encounter emotional wellness issues. Young people and youngsters additionally experience the ill effects of the same. Truth be told, the greater part of the cases saw that mental problem begin creating in the early age. In the year 2006, the Government of Australia took up an activity to offer help for those matured 12 to 25. The Department of Health and Aging assets Headspace for taking care of the adolescent psychological well-being programs (Rickwood et al., 2014). Youngsters and youthful grown-ups experiencing issues including nervousness, dejection, family problems and sexual well-being or social harassing get bolster 24x7. Headspace likewise gives administrations internet utilising its E-stage. Notwithstanding, in inquire about, it is discovered that patients experiencing their emotional wellness need to disclose their stories to the therapists or the specialist each time they attempt to look for treatment for another master. People gr oups with maladjustment are more averse to impart their sentiments to others. Consequently, essential data about the patient remains some of the time untold and those innovative imperfections in the treatment (Walsh et al., 2017). In this way, another activity is required to manage this circumstance. Issues with the present framework The greater part of the circumstances youthful grown-ups who have emotional sickness does not get the answer for their problems from the expert they reached (McGorry, Bates and Birchwood, 2013). In this way, they take a stab at getting assistance from numerous different experts to pick in the middle of them the one whose treatment suits the patient. Be that as it may, they need to have similar stories to every one of them to make them comprehend the issues of the patient better. Then again, it is a test for patients experiencing uneasiness issue to share their sentiments, and they share next to no data about them and confine themselves (Moore et al., 2015). It diminishes the endeavours of the treatment, and the patients meander around with no better arrangement. Potentiality of the proposed framework At present, the well-being bureau of the administration of Australia is taking a shot at the venture to manufacture another framework named "My Health Record" (Rickwood et al., 2015). The new proposed structure will give a coordinated interface a database in the backend containing all the data about the patient at whatever point the first occasion when he or she settles on help concerning their medical problems. The database will store data about the patient and all the present and restorative issues. In this way, it will turn out to be anything but difficult to bring the medicinal data of a patient from the national database at whatever point a patient visits any expert surprisingly (Lawrence et al., 2015). What's more, the framework will likewise be fit for refreshing more subtle elements to the therapeutic issues or the disease and the stories of the patient. Advantages of the proposed framework The activity of recording medicinal histories will help in numerous situations as talked about effect underneath. The therapeutic services framework is at a stage where there are multiple open doors, which will change the technique for clinical medications including Psychiatry. Instant access to data: The social insurance information put away online will be effectively open by approved healing centres, specialists. The protection of the data will be on the patients' hand (Inagaki, Morii and Numata, 2015). Access to the gateway will be all through the world; it will just require a web association. Patient's accommodation: The framework will give the client an interface where the patient will have the capacity to put every one of the insights about self and store data about medical problems, therapeutic histories, data about current meds (Hemsley et al., 2016). Those will enable the specialist or healing facility to get all the data, too regardless of the possibility that the patient recalls every one of those occurrences or not. Information Security: The human services history will contain a considerable measure of data about the patient in regards to the patient's close to home points of interest, family matters that may affect the patient unwillingly to impart to whatever other (Coates and Howe, 2014). Hence, the client will have the control to check and allot which data is to be imparted to whom. Safety Level: Last however not a minimal advantage of My Health Record framework is that on account of the crisis, therapeutic services administrations will be given ideal medications by recovering the data or therapeutic histories from the My Health Record (Rickwood, Van Dyke and Telford, 2015). Subsequently, drugs in crisis can be given in like manner as indicated by the well-being history. Conclusion There is the dependable likelihood of bargain of information when information is put away on the web. Be that as it may, the open door for this framework is significantly higher in contrast with dangers it faces. The most critical thing concerning this context is that patients experiencing uneasiness issue feel more calmed to share their inclination in writing in contrast with informing the masters regarding the issues. The report concludes that the new framework will start an upheaval in furnishing the patients with most ideal ever medications. References Coates, D., Howe, D. (2014). The importance and benefits of youth participation in mental health settings from the perspective of the headspace Gosford Youth Alliance in Australia.Children and Youth Services Review,46, 294-299. Hemsley, B., Georgiou, A., Carter, R., Hill, S., Higgins, I., van Vliet, P., Balandin, S. (2016). Use of the My Health Record by people with communication disability in Australia: A review to inform the design and direction of future research.Health Information Management Journal,45(3), 107-115. Inagaki, S., Morii, N., Numata, M. (2015). Development of a reliable method to determine water content by headspace gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with the standard addition technique.Analytical Methods,7(11), 4816-4820. Lawrence, D., Johnson, S., Hafekost, J., Boterhoven de Haan, K., Sawyer, M., Ainley, J., Zubrick, S. R. (2015). The mental health of children and adolescents: Report on the second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. McGorry, P., Bates, T., Birchwood, M. (2013). Designing youth mental health services for the 21st century: examples from Australia, Ireland and the UK.The British Journal of Psychiatry,202(s54), s30-s35. Moore, S. E., Scott, J. G., Ferrari, A. J., Mills, R., Dunne, M. P., Erskine, H. E., ... McCarthy, M. (2015). Burden attributable to child maltreatment in Australia.Child abuse neglect,48, 208-220. Rickwood, D. J., Telford, N. R., Mazzer, K. R., Parker, A. G., Tanti, C. J., McGorry, P. D. (2015). The services provided to young people through the headspace centres across Australia.The Medical Journal of Australia,202(10), 533-536. Rickwood, D. J., Telford, N. R., Parker, A. G., Tanti, C. J., McGorry, P. D. (2014). Reply headspace-Australia's innovation in youth mental health: who are the clients and why are they presenting?.The Medical journal of Australia,200(8), 454. Rickwood, D., Van Dyke, N., Telford, N. (2015). Innovation in youth mental health services in Australia: common characteristics across the first headspace centres.Early intervention in psychiatry,9(1), 29-37. Walsh, L., Hill, S., Allan, M., Balandin, S., Georgiou, A., Higgins, I., ... Hemsley, B. (2017). A content analysis of the consumer-facing online information about My Health Record: Implications for increasing knowledge and awareness to facilitate uptake and use.Health Information Management Journal, 1833358317712200.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Against Cloning Essay Example For Students
Against Cloning Essay During my interview with my grandmother I asked her what she thought of cloning. she responded by saying that it was not right and should be stopped. on theother hand i have a different opinion. I think that cloning should be continuedand furhter researched for we might be able to have different organs andsubstances produced in these clones. Below is the step that were taken to clonethe adult sheep named Dolly. Part 1: An Improbable Goal Scientists hoped thatcloning healthy, mature sheep, rather than just creating lambs from embryoniccells, could produce a highly specialized sheep with large quantities ofproteins in its milk. The proteins are believed to help treat diseases such asemphysema, hemophylia and cystic fibrosis. Part 2: The Perfect Timing For years,scientists could not synchronize the growth of the egg and the cell. If one wasoff- synch, abnormal chromosomes would soon transform in the nucleus and therebykill off the embryo. Dr. Wilmut achieved near perfection in the timing byputting the cells into hybernation; of the 277 eggs they began with, 247 live dthrough the process. Timing the growth in other species, however, has proved toscientists that cloning mature animals is extremely difficult; in the case ofmice, theyve concluded it cant be accomplished. Part 3: Jump-start from a JoltThough it has become a standard procedure in cloning, scientists are not surewhy an electric pulse sent to the two cells causes them to meld together andactivates development in the egg. They are learning, however, the shock doesntfully mimic the activation process of a sperm, which could explain why just 29of the remaining 247 cells live longer than six days. Part 4: SurrogateMotherhood Despite the fact that the newly formed embryo is transplanted intothe uterus of another ewe, scientists believe Dolly is a nearly exactcarbon-copy of her genetic originating mother. In theory, that means an almostexact look-alike of John F. Kennedy Jr. could be produced by taking cells fromhis skin, melding their nuclei with any womans egg that has had its nucleusremov ed and then planting the embryo in a surrogate mother. Part 5: A 6-Year-Oldin 7 Months? Scientists are eagerly watching Dolly to see if she exhibits thecharacteristics of her mother, a 6-year-old sheep, or those of her own age, just7 months. As animals and humans age, changes occur in their DNA such asdecreasing fertility and increasing susceptibility to cancer and other diseases. If she prematurely ages, clones of mature animals would be useless to theagriculture industry. Science
Monday, April 20, 2020
Pestle Analysis for Education free essay sample
Political| * Schools being privatised (like the NHS) * A government initiative creates the risk that the school may fail to deliver the policy or be diverted away from local priorities etc. * Changes to the skills required to be a teacher/ tutor * Changes to curriculum with short lead times * Requirement to be self managing * Requirement to be self financing| Economic| * Central or local government funding decisions may affect school/ establishment finances * Closure of a local industry may affect fund raising plans etc. Ability of parents to raise funds for optional activities * The need to run breakfast/ after schools clubs * Ability to invest ‘savings/ surpluses’ * Cost of providing resources: * Staff – teaching support * Basics – books/ paper * Technology solutions laptops etc * Interest rates * Shortages of materials on national/ international markets * Over provision of school places in the area resulting in competition from neighbouring schools * Th e risk of highly valued, key staff moving on to more ‘up and coming’ schools/ academies| Social| * Decline in birth rate, reflecting national trends * Local population changes (increasing/ decreasing numbers) * Demographic changes may affect likely pupil rolls or the nature of pupils needs e. We will write a custom essay sample on Pestle Analysis for Education or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page g. pupils with English as a second language etc. Closure of local firms providing employment * Inability to attract staff * Social networking – blogs, facebook, twitter * Changes to qualifications expected * Integration with local community * Integration of students with special needs * parental preference – an increase in ‘parent power’ has allowed parents more freedom of choice over their child’s school * the risk of highly valued, key staff moving on to more up-and-coming establishments * Information is accessible to staff anywhere in the world via the Internet * Staff were not given enough training or access to effectively change their habits and how they expected information to be made available| Technological| * Changes to standards/ equipment required * Risk of selecting the wrong technology at times of change (i. e. windows -v- open source) * New computer viruses may affect school/ college operations, * Disturbing/ illegal images on the inte rnet may affect ICT security measures etc. * Move from paper based books to e-book readers * Computer hardware being out of date * Computer software being out of date * Time to anage IT systems | Legislative| * new legislation may create risks of non-compliance with the law, create new administrative burdens etc * Changes to child protection legislation * Raise the age of school leaving age * Raise/ lower the age of starting school. Nursery/ kindergarten * Change to school opening hours * Changes to funding of charity based organisations * Health safety legislation| Environmental| * A new highway layout near the school may create new dangers for pupils etc * Waste disposal * Reduction of green space available for activities * Changes to local bus routes * Using a significant amounts of paper and photocopier toner to produce printed information. |
Friday, April 3, 2020
3 Most Common Reasons Women Have an Abortion
3 Most Common Reasons Women Have an Abortion For some, its an inconceivable act, but for others, abortion seems to be the only way out of an unplanned pregnancy and an impossible-to-negotiate future. Numbers show that nearly one in four U.S. women will choose to have an abortion before age 45. According to the Guttmacher Institute, a handful of studies over the years have indicated consistently similar answers from women who identify why theyve chosen to have an abortion. The top three reasons these women cite for not being able to continue their pregnancies and give birth are: Negative impact on the mothers lifeFinancial instabilityRelationship problems/unwillingness to be a single mother What is the rationale behind these reasons that would lead a woman to terminate a pregnancy? What are the challenges and situations women face that make giving birth and raising a newborn an impossible task? Negative Impact on the Mothers Life Taken at face value, this reason may sound selfish. But a pregnancy that occurs in the wrong place at the wrong time can have a lifelong impact on a womans ability to raise a family and earn a living. Less than half of teens who become teen mothers before age 18 graduate from high school. College students who become pregnant and give birth are also much less likely to complete their education than their peers. Employed single women who become pregnant face an interruption of their jobs and careers. This impacts their earning ability and may make them unable to raise a child on their own. For women who already have other children at home or are caring for aging relatives, the reduction in income resulting from pregnancy and subsequent birth may bring them below the poverty level and require them to seek public assistance. Financial Instability Whether shes a student in high school, paying her way through college, or a single woman earning just enough to live independently, many expectant mothers lack the resources to cover the staggeringly high costs associated with pregnancy, birth, and childrearing, especially if they do not have health insurance. Saving for a baby is one thing, but an unplanned pregnancy places an enormous financial burden on a woman who cannot afford to care for an infant, let alone pay for the necessary OB/GYN visits that will ensure healthy fetal development. Lack of adequate medical care during pregnancy places the newborn at a higher risk for complications during birth and in early infancy. The cost of average hospital birth is approximate $8,000 and prenatal care provided by a physician can cost between $1,500 and $3,000. For the nearly 50 million Americans who do not have insurance, this would mean an out-of-pocket expense of $10,000. Thats if things go well and if its a single, healthy birth. Problems from pre-eclampsia to premature birth can send costs spiraling. If those births are included in the average, a birth can cost well over $50,000. According to a 2013 study published by advocacy group Childbirth Connection and reported in The Guardian, the U.S. is the most expensive place in the world to have a birth. That figure, coupled with the cost of raising a child from infancy through age 17 (estimated at over $200,000 per child), makes giving birth a terrifying proposition for someone who is still in school, or lacks a steady income, or simply does not have the financial resources to continue a pregnancy with adequate medical care and give birth to a healthy baby. Fear of Being a Single Mother The majority of women with unplanned pregnancies do not live with their partners or have committed relationships. These women realize that in all likelihood they will be raising their child as a single mother. Many are unwilling to take this big step due to the reasons described above: interruption of education or career, insufficient financial resources, or inability to care for an infant due to caregiving needs of other children or family members. Even in situations involving women cohabitating with their partners, the outlook for unmarried women as single mothers in discouraging. Among women in their 20s living with their partners at the time of birth, one-third ended their relationships within two years. Other Most Common Reasons for Abortion Although these are not the primary reasons women choose abortion, the following statements reflect concerns that play a role in influencing women to terminate their pregnancies: I dont want more children or Im done with childrearing.Im not ready to become a mother or not ready for another child.I dont want others to know about my pregnancy or that Im having sex.My husband/partner wants me to have an abortion.There are problems with the health of the fetus.There are problems with my own health.My parents want me to have an abortion. Combined with those reasons previously cited, these secondary concerns often convince women that abortion - albeit a difficult and painful choice - is the best decision for them at this time in their lives. Reasons for Abortion, the Statistics In a study released by the Guttmacher Institute in 2005, women were asked to provide reasons why they chose to have an abortion. Multiple responses were permissible. Of those who gave at least one reason: 89 percent gave at least two72 percent gave at least three Nearly three-quarters said they could not afford to have a baby. Of those women who gave two or more answers, the most common response - inability to afford a baby - was most frequently followed by one of three other reasons: pregnancy/birth/baby would interfere with school or employment.reluctant to be a single mother or experiencing relationship problems.done with childbearing or already have other children/dependents. Women specified these reasons that led to their abortion decision (percentage total will not add up to 100, as multiple answers were permissible): 74 percent felt having a baby would dramatically change my life (which includes interrupting education, interfering with job and career, and/or concern over other children or dependents).73 percent felt they cant afford a baby now (due to various reasons such as being unmarried, being a student, inability to afford childcare or basic needs of life, etc.).48 percent dont want to be a single mother or [were] having relationship problem[s].38 percent have completed [their] childbearing.32 percent were not ready for a(nother) child.25 percent dont want people to know I had sex or got pregnant.22 percent dont feel mature enough to raise a(nother) child.14 percent felt their husband or partner wants me to have an abortion.13 percent said there were possible problems affecting the health of the fetus.12 percent said there were physical problems with my health.6 percent felt their parents want me to have an abortion.1 percent said they were a victim of rape.0.5 percent became pregnant as a r esult of incest. Sources Finer, Lawrence B. Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives., Lori F. Frohwirth, Lindsay A. Dauphinee, et al., Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 37(3):110–118, The Guttmacher Institute, 2005. Glenza, Jessica. Why does it cost $32,093 just to give birth in America? The Guardian, January 16, 2018. Jones, Rachel K. Population Group Abortion Rates and Lifetime Incidence of Abortion: United States, 2008–2014. Jenna Jerman, The Guttmacher Institute, October 19, 2017. Wind, Rebecca. Why Do Women Have Abortions? The Guttmacher Institute, September 6, 2005.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Free Essays on Innocent Lives Lost
before his execution were: â€Å"I am an innocent man. May God forgive everyone who said anything against me.†The next year, the victim’s husband confessed that he had murdered his own wife (Radelet, Bedau, Putnam 347). There are numerous amounts of incidents similar to the one depicted above that have repeatedly occurred throughout the course of history. Two highly distinguishable figures in the area of capital punishment in the United States, Hugo Bedau and Michael Radelet, discovered in 1992, at least 140 cases, since 1990, in which innocent persons were sentenced to death (Hook and Kahn 92). In Illinois alone, 12 death row inmates have been cleared and freed since 1987 (Execution Reconsidered). The most conclusive evidence in support of this â€Å"comes from the surprisingly large numbers of people whose convictions have been overturned and who have been freed from death†(Bedau 345). One out of every seven people sentenced to death row are innocent (Civiletti). That’s nearly 15% of death row inmates. The numbers are disturbing. Innocent people are becoming victims of the United States judicial system. A former president of the American Bar Association (ABA), John J. Curtin Jr., said it best when he told a congressional committee â€Å"Whatever you think about the death penalty, a system that will take life must first give justice. Execute justice, not people.†Though some of the innocent death row inmates have managed to escape their execution, there are numerous others who are unable to overturn their sentence through appeals. Many cases of innocence go unheard and result in the unfortunate fatality of an innocent. When the death penalty in 1972 was ruled unconstitutional in Furman v. Georgia, the Justices expected that the â€Å"adoption of narrowly crafted sent... Free Essays on Innocent Lives Lost Free Essays on Innocent Lives Lost Mead Shumway of Nebraska was convicted of the first-degree murder of his employer’s wife on circumstantial evidence and sentenced to death by a jury. His last words before his execution were: â€Å"I am an innocent man. May God forgive everyone who said anything against me.†The next year, the victim’s husband confessed that he had murdered his own wife (Radelet, Bedau, Putnam 347). There are numerous amounts of incidents similar to the one depicted above that have repeatedly occurred throughout the course of history. Two highly distinguishable figures in the area of capital punishment in the United States, Hugo Bedau and Michael Radelet, discovered in 1992, at least 140 cases, since 1990, in which innocent persons were sentenced to death (Hook and Kahn 92). In Illinois alone, 12 death row inmates have been cleared and freed since 1987 (Execution Reconsidered). The most conclusive evidence in support of this â€Å"comes from the surprisingly large numbers of people whose convictions have been overturned and who have been freed from death†(Bedau 345). One out of every seven people sentenced to death row are innocent (Civiletti). That’s nearly 15% of death row inmates. The numbers are disturbing. Innocent people are becoming victims of the United States judicial system. A former president of the American Bar Association (ABA), John J. Curtin Jr., said it best when he told a congressional committee â€Å"Whatever you think about the death penalty, a system that will take life must first give justice. Execute justice, not people.†Though some of the innocent death row inmates have managed to escape their execution, there are numerous others who are unable to overturn their sentence through appeals. Many cases of innocence go unheard and result in the unfortunate fatality of an innocent. When the death penalty in 1972 was ruled unconstitutional in Furman v. Georgia, the Justices expected that the â€Å"adoption of narrowly crafted sent... Free Essays on Innocent Lives Lost Mead Shumway of Nebraska was convicted of the first-degree murder of his employer’s wife on circumstantial evidence and sentenced to death by a jury. His last words before his execution were: â€Å"I am an innocent man. May God forgive everyone who said anything against me.†The next year, the victim’s husband confessed that he had murdered his own wife (Radelet, Bedau, Putnam 347). There are numerous amounts of incidents similar to the one depicted above that have repeatedly occurred throughout the course of history. Two highly distinguishable figures in the area of capital punishment in the United States, Hugo Bedau and Michael Radelet, discovered in 1992, at least 140 cases, since 1990, in which innocent persons were sentenced to death (Hook and Kahn 92). In Illinois alone, 12 death row inmates have been cleared and freed since 1987 (Execution Reconsidered). The most conclusive evidence in support of this â€Å"comes from the surprisingly large numbers of people whose convictions have been overturned and who have been freed from death†(Bedau 345). One out of every seven people sentenced to death row are innocent (Civiletti). That’s nearly 15% of death row inmates. The numbers are disturbing. Innocent people are becoming victims of the United States judicial system. A former president of the American Bar Association (ABA), John J. Curtin Jr., said it best when he told a congressional committee â€Å"Whatever you think about the death penalty, a system that will take life must first give justice. Execute justice, not people.†Though some of the innocent death row inmates have managed to escape their execution, there are numerous others who are unable to overturn their sentence through appeals. Many cases of innocence go unheard and result in the unfortunate fatality of an innocent. When the death penalty in 1972 was ruled unconstitutional in Furman v. Georgia, the Justices expected that the â€Å"adoption of narrowly crafted sent...
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Supreme Court Expands the Power of Eminent Domain
Supreme Court Expands the Power of Eminent Domain First Published: July 5, 2005 In its 5-4 decision in the case of Kelo v. City of New London, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an important, if very controversial, interpretation of the governments power of eminent domain, or the power of the government to take land from property owners. The power of eminent domain is granted to governmental bodies federal, state and local by the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, under the simple phrase, ...nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. In simple terms, the government can take privately owned land, as long as the land will be used by the public and the owner is paid a fair price for the land, what the amendment calls, just compensation. Before Kelo v. City of New London, cities typically exercised their power of eminent domain to acquire property for facilities clearly intended for use by the public, like schools, freeways or bridges. While such eminent domain actions are often viewed as distasteful, they are generally accepted because of their overall benefit to the public. The case of Kelo v. City of New London, however, involved a new trend among cities to use eminent domain to acquire land for the redevelopment or revitalization of depressed areas. Basically, the use of eminent domain for economic, rather than public purposes. The city of New London, Connecticut developed a redevelopment plan city fathers hoped would create jobs and revive downtown areas by generating increased tax revenues. Property owner Kelo, even after an offer of just compensation, challenged the action, claiming that the citys plan for her land did not constitute public use under the Fifth Amendment. In its decision in favor of New London, the Supreme Court further established its tendency to interpret public use as the much broader term, public purpose. The Court further held that the use of eminent domain to promote economic development is constitutionally acceptable under the Fifth Amendment. Even after the Supreme Courts decision in Kelo, the vast majority of eminent domain actions will, as they historically have, involve land to be used for purely public uses. Typical Eminent Domain Process While the exact details of acquiring property by eminent domain vary from jurisdiction-to-jurisdiction, the process generally works like this: The property owner is notified by mail and will soon be visited by a government employee, often a right-of-way agent, who will further explain why the owners property is needed.The government will appoint an independent appraiser to evaluate the land and come up with fair price to pay the land owner for his or her land the just compensation.The property owner and the government may negotiate to come up with a final price to be paid the property owner. In some cases, a judge or a court-appointed arbitrator will be called in to oversee the negotiation.The owner is paid the agreed price and ownership of the property is transferred to the government.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Policy Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Policy Paper - Essay Example In Texas, two-year old Riley Ann died on the spot when she was supposedly flung to the other side of the room during an â€Å"obedience training session†with her mom and stepfather. (Callebs, S., 2007) According to the mother, the toddler was having difficulty saying â€Å"please†and â€Å"yes, sir†. Obviously, this situation has gone beyond reasonable. Riley Ann’s parents were sent to jail for parricide. In Montreal, Quebec, a 9-year old autistic boy was found lifeless in his classroom on April 17, 2008 due to suffocation from a therapeutic blanket wrapped around his head by his teacher as a punishment for being disruptive. (Glocwood, R., 2009) Corporal punishment for children is not a new thing. It has been practiced even before civilization as we know it. Since ancient times, corporal punishment on children has been recorded in literature, art and science. (Ten Bensel, Rheinberger, Radbill, 1997) In ancient Rome, corporal punishment was seen as both necessary and virtuous: â€Å"Most of the ancient philosophers and law-makers were in favour of flogging children, not only as a means of inducing them to conduct themselves well and tell the truth, but also an aid to education itself†(Scott, G.R., 1951). Even now some people even refer to the Bible which contains phrases such as Proverbs 23:13 that talk about disciplining children: â€Å"Withhold not correction from the child: for it thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.†According to early Christian sources, children’s obedience was a necessary element of family life. Didache 4-9 and Barnabas 19-5 warned parents not to withhold corporal punishment from son or daughter but to â€Å"teach [didaxeis] them the fear of God†from their â€Å"youth†(neotetos). (Horn, C. and Martens, J., 2009) For decades the right to punish or discipline children as families saw fit was considered a parental privilege. (Marotz, L., 2009) Different forms of punishment have
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Gerome (Napoleon In Egypt) v.s Manet (Gypsy with Cigarette) Term Paper
Gerome (Napoleon In Egypt) v.s Manet (Gypsy with Cigarette) - Term Paper Example Romanticism and Impressionism were among these artistic movements. The paintings of two major painters of these two movements have been taken for discussion in the paper. The first painter is Jean-Leon Gerome from Romantic Movement, and the second painter is Edouard Manet from impressionist movement. The masterpieces of these two painters we have taken are â€Å"Napoleon in Egypt,†and â€Å"Gypsy with Cigarette.†Before discussing the two masterpieces of these painters from two movements, it is necessary to understand the background of these two movements. Keywords: artistic movement, France, romanticism, impressionism, Napoleon in Egypt, Gypsy with Cigarette Romanticism and impressionism: The period of Romanticism has the element of heroism. This heroic element was combined with revolutionary idealism to produce a style. The painting called â€Å"Napoleon in Egypt,†has the qualities of a typical romantic movement painting. Impressionism or impressionist moveme nt started first in France at the end of 19th Century. The major concern of impressionists was the effect of light on an object rather than the exact presentation of the form. Vivid colours were basically used than the dull or dark colours. This movement is also known as optical realism as it focuses on actual visual experience and effect of light and movement on appearance of object. Equation 1Napoleon in Egypt Napoleon in Egypt Middle East and Northern Africa had been the centre of attraction for many artists from romantic era. The artists such as Delacroix, Jean-Leon Gerome (1824–1904), Theodore Chasseriau (1819–1856), Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps (1803–1860), and William Holman Hunt (1827–1910), travelled to the near East such as Egypt, and other Arab countries. Orientalist painting was the popular form of art and painting in the nineteenth century and it was greatly influenced by artists' direct experience of everyday life in Cairo and other Near Easter n cities and settlements. The genre of the painting is associated with heroism. Jean-Leon Gerome was a French painter as well as sculptor. He strongly opposed the movement of impressionism started by Monet and Manet. He continued to cherish and develop the French Neo-classicism. Like other artists in 19th century Jean- Leon Gerome had attracted towards East. Somewhere the superiority complex of the Western painters reflects in their painting. That might be the reason why Gerome has painted the picture of Napoleon as a warrior. Somewhere the painting represents the obsession of imperialism and establishing complete dominance on East. Jean- Leon Gerome belongs to the romantic era of art and sculpture. Some of the major attributes of Romanticism has been represented by the painting of Napoleon in Egypt. The major characteristics of Romanticism are as follows: Nationalism and Exoticism Subjectivity Vivid and passionate artwork Heroism The painting of Napoleon in Egypt has almost all the characteristics of the romantic era. It represents the nationalism as well as exoticism. Nationalism was one of the important vehicles of Romanticism. It was the era of major political changes in France. Napoleon became the inspiration for the painters like Jean- Leon Gerom. The pride of winning the world is reflected on the face of Napoleon which must be the pride of the painter. While painting Napoleon, Jean- Leon Gerome might have been patriotic. It was because Napoleon belonged to the same country where Jean- Leon Gerome was
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Commercial real estate- Manhattan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Commercial real estate- Manhattan - Coursework Example Downtown experiences the most rapid growth, followed by Midtown, and finally Uptown (Wheatonm et al., 2009). In addition, Manhattan has the largest and broadest set-up of business improvement districts (BIDS) in New York (Rudder Property, 2013). They are actually considered one of the key drivers for economic revitalization in the commercial property development. We cannot objectively describe the economic drives of Manhattan without considering the commercial real estate of the County (Wheatonm et al., 2009). Other factors are equally important, especially the overwhelming workforce industry, but this particular sector economically overshadows them in many aspects. To put it, the commercial real estate in Manhattan is undisputedly the worlds most stylish and costly real estate industry going the present statistics. In fact, it is the home to the world’s most famous bridges, skyscrapers and parks. The One World Trade Centre, Chrysler Building, Empire State Building and the twin towers are all located in Manhattan (Carlyle, 2014). According to Forbes, the real estate worth of Manhattan as at 2013 exceeded three trillion US dollars (Brennah, 2013). In terms of office space, it is listed as the largest office market in the US (Rudder Property, 2013). Currently, Manhattan is the third most densely populated borough in New York County. With over 1,636,268 inhabitants. This is about a fifth of the population of the City, and 9% of the state (State and County QuickFacts, 2015). In land area, it is the smallest of the five boroughs. One of the reasons why most tall buildings are located in the area is because of the bedrock which underlies much of the borough (Moss & Qung, 2012). People have argued that it is perhaps the preferred locations for skyscrapers due to the unique nature of its bedrock from one town to the other (Wheaton et al., 2009 According to the information provided by the real estate firm Douglas Elliman, commercial real
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
The film A Streetcar Named Desire from the silent film era through the Essay
The film A Streetcar Named Desire from the silent film era through the 1950s - Essay Example Stella is married to Stanley played by Marlon Brando and they are expecting a child. Stanley and Blanche are the two central characters of this movie. The story gradually becomes interesting as friction begins to develop between Stanley and Blanche. Stanley being an uncouth, randy, sweaty and rough character does not like Stella very much which ultimately leads to immoral and violent depictions in the movie. The movie received a lot of criticism upon its release regarding the vulgarity and decadence depicted in it. Brando’s performance as Stanley is hailed as one the best performances in the history of American cinema. Brando was able to represent the exact nature of Stanley in front of the viewers. Stanley had to be uncouth yet attractive to women and Marlon Brando was just the man for that. This paper will analyze Marlon Brando’s acting skills in this movie. Later on, these skills and tools will be associated with the method acting presented by Uta Hagen in her book R espect for Acting. Stanley wears shirts that reveal his muscles and sweat; he drinks and smokes in a greedy fashion yet he possesses a grace in his personality. He is gentle in his own sense. Brando played this character in very realistic manner. He gave the character true raw emotions. His style in this movie is said to have influenced the Hollywood film industry so much that it inspired many artists such as Sean Penn, Jack Nicholson and James Dean. Before Brando’s performance in this movie, no matter how violent the emotions in acting may be, audience could always spot a hint of modesty in it. Brando left a mark on acting style that was adopted by Hollywood and embraced by the audience immediately. Brando portrayed more than just the violent nature of the character. Every single action of the Brando in this character feels as real as his anger outbursts. Moreover, Brando was able to pull off this role with such delicacy that he left a lot of fragments of Stanley’s pe rsonality for the audience to interpret. There are instances where the audience cannot easily interpret the actions of Stanley because there is no apparent cause for the way he behaves and this makes the audience wonder about the life of the character which ultimately leads to the development of sympathy towards characters. The character shows that it has much more than just his raw violent outbursts and callous behavior (Ebert). Brando sank in this character so well that the audience could not view Stanley and Brando as two different individuals. In fact, Brando himself became the character and was soon associated with Stanley. The charms of his acting can be measured by the fact that the audience started learning to develop sympathy for film characters after this movie. Brando presented Stanley to the audience in a manner that would distress them but this distress is accompanied by enticement. The audience fell in love with a loathsome character. The charm of the character overpow ered them. Brando’s sexual appeal and charms superseded Stanley’s uncouth and rowdy behavior. If we take the audience out of picture, even then it would be hard to separate the two entities as they resolved well together. It seems that Brando did not make any effort playing this character. He was so at ease that it appears Stanley is a part of Brando’s personality. Such realistic acting comes from specific methodologies that involve the resolution of the character and the actor. Unlike the conventional acting of the rest of the cast of the movie, Brando’
Friday, January 31, 2020
Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 28
Case Study Example With the Freemium Pricing Strategy in place, it was obvious that the company’s user base would definitely increase. The strategy worked effectively in that Dropbox managed to grow from at least 4 million Dropbox users in January 2010 to more than 200 million users by November 2 years later. In as much as the company never revealed its exact revenues, it was reported by an industry analysts that the company made more than $400 million by 2012. Five years after it was launched, it can be reported that Dropbox was valued at more than 4 billion dollars. This means that the company benefited from the strategy. Alternatively, the company managed to secure a large share of Dropbox users especially for the cloud storage. This therefore enabled the company management to switch its attention to corporate customers. First, the strategy led to overcrowding with minimal competitors. Alternatively, getting users was somehow tough because of bureaucratic delays especially in making them integrate the services. There is also the notion that the freemium strategy would end being a costly affair for the company. It was feared that the strategy would leave the company with thousands of freeloaders and higher operating costs. It was also difficult to get individuals pay since most mainstream users were not used to paying for the services. Another challenge of this strategy is that the company might suffer from value perception of the services. The fact that the basic package is free, most users might have the perception that any other version that company offers has little value. Lastly, issues with competition are common. After the success of the freemium strategy, Houston started to target the corporate customers directly. Whereas the consumer Dropbox version started at only $120 per year, the business type was estimated to cost more than $800 on a yearly basis for users. Termed as the Dropbox for Business version, the strategy featured
Monday, January 27, 2020
Prevention Strategies for Escherichia Coli
Prevention Strategies for Escherichia Coli a) As the snack food is made from meat, there are four types of bacteria that will possibly contaminate it which are Escherichia.coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus,and Listeria monocytogenes (FSIS, 2015). Escherichia.coli is a bacterial that is usually present in the intestines of humans and animals. Although, most of them are harmless as they play an important role in the intestinal tract of a healthy individual. However, there are a few of them that are pathogenic as they can result in diarrhea and can be transmitted through the contact of human or animalfaeces. Altogether, there are sixpathotypes that are linked with diarrhea which are as follows Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia.coli (STEC), Enterotoxigenic Escherichia.coli (ETEC), Enteropathogenic Escherichia.coli (EPEC), Enteroaggregative Escherichia.coli (EAEC), Enteroinvasive Escherichia.coli (EIEC), Diffusely adherent Escherichia.coli (DAEC) (CDC, 2015). However, the Escherichia.coliO157 strain, which is classified under Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia.coli (STEC), is considered the most harmful as it causes bloody diarrhea, kidney failure and can result indeath (Anon., 2015). It infects its host by producing large amounts of Shiga toxins that damages the intestinal lining severely to cause Hemorrhagic Colitis or otherwise known as bloody diarrhea. It can also cause Hemolytic uremic syndrome which results in kidney injury (Koo, 2014). Salmonellais a common bacterial that usually cause food poisoning which targets the stomach and intestines. It is normally present in meat, eggs, unprocessed milk and poultry (Bech, 2014). The symptoms are diarrhea, nausea, fever, stomach cramps, and vomiting which usually last for 4 to 7 days. The incubation period is between 12 and 72 hours upon infection (England, 2014). However, one must consume Salmonella contaminated food in order to cause infection (FSIS, 2015). Staphylococcus aureusis a common bacteria found on the skin, nasal passages, throats and hair of healthy individuals.Staphylococcalfood contamination can occur when a person who is infected with the bacteria handles the steakwithout proper sanitary handling procedures. Other possible sources of meat contamination of Staphylococcus aureus can also take place such as the surfaces and equipment that the meat is prepared on (Anon., 2015). Staphylococcal food poisoning happens when an individual ingest the enterotoxins that are produced in the contaminated meat, often due to the improper heating up of the meat to kill off most of the bacteria (USFDA, 2014). Listeria monocytogenesis a bacterium that is usually found in soil, water, uncooked and processed meat, cooked or processed food, smoked salmon, vegetables and dairy products (CDC, 2013). Ingestion of food contaminated with this bacterium can cause Listeriosis which is a serious infection (CDC, 2013). AlthoughListeria monocytogenescan be killed by proper cooking, the bacteria can still contaminate the cooked meat due to physical hazards such as poor food handling practices and sanitation (FSIS, 2015). Another potential food safety hazard that I have identify is the use of herbs and spices to marinate the steak. Herbs come from plants and spices are from seeds, bark or roots of plants (Ward, 2010). Because they are from plants, which contains spore-producing bacteria, this indicates that the bacteria spores is capable of further contaminating raw meat which is in contact with soil and vegetative origin.This would introduce additional microbiological hazards such as Bacillus spp. and spore forming organisms which are able to survive the drying process and continue to germinate to produce toxins. During the process of handling with this dried snack food, there should be a food safety management system such as The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system. This system is used worldwide by all food businessesto identify and control microbiology activity as well as physical and chemical hazards that might be present during production. It consists of seven principles that govern and maintain food hygiene procedures (ASQ Food, 2014). Therefore, I would advise her to take note of the possible food safety hazards that have been mentioned and the procedures of manufacturing this dried snack food has to be in compliance to the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system. b) There are several information that I would like to know as to assist the businesswoman in preparing the dried snack food safely for consumers. The following are the information required: Where was the meat from? Normally, the cattle are raised till maturity in a farm where they are given formulated food. During cattle raising, the cattle are injected with antibiotics to prevent diseases. In order to slaughter the cattle legally, a withdrawal period is needed from the time the antibiotics is given. This is to give sufficient amount of time for the antibiotic residues to be released from the cattle. The United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) would conduct sample testing for antibiotic residues upon slaughtering. Results have shown that the percentages of residue violations are very low and there are no traceable antibiotic residues present in the tissues of the cattle (FSA, 2015). There are several factors that have to be taken into consideration such as the conditions of the farms that the cattle are living and the food that they consume. For example, improper drainage of faeces, design of feeders and drinkers can contribute to the accumulation of bacterial contamination in the farm which leads to the dirty cattle. The cattle are then infected with diseases such as pneumonia, coccidiosis and salmonellosis. Thus, it is important to have a healthy livestock of cattle to avoid all these problems. There are two factors that can contribute to the contamination of meat production chain such as direct and indirect contact of contamination. Direct contact can occur when bacteria that are present on the skin of the cattle such as excrement and mud which can contaminate the meat during the slaughtering process. Whereas, indirect contact could occur when the hands, tools and equipment that are used to slaughter the cattle contains bacteria which will then infect the meat (FSA, 2002). How was the uncooked meat handled? For proper handling of raw beef, place them in a sealed disposable plastic bag. You can either freeze it at -17.8 °C so as to keep it longer (about 6 to 12 months)or refrigerate at 4.4 °C but have to consume it within 3 to 5 days (Safety, 2015). The reason why the meat is to be kept at cold temperatures is because this is to inhibit bacterial growth. Time, temperature and conditions of marinating and cooking the meat? First, the raw steak is marinated with herbs and spices which will introduce additional microbial hazard such asspore forming bacteria to the meat. Thus, for safe marinating procedures, do not marinate at room temperature as most bacteria are able to grow quickly. Instead, marinate the meat in a cold environment so as to avoid entering the danger zone, which is between 4 °C and 60 °C. For beef steak, the approximate time taken to marinate would be 2 to 4 hours (Stradley, 2014). For safe cooking of steak, cook them at a minimum internal temperature of 62.8 °C for about 4 5 minutes per side and allow the meat to rest for at least 3 minutes before eating. This is done to kill off most of the bacteria that might be present on the meat. However, do not cook the steak partially as this does not destroy most of the bacteria and might multiply (USDA, 2015). Time and temperature of the drying process? I would suggest drying the marinated steak strips using an oven at 75 °C as there is a constant circulation of dry air and heat source. The temperature is important in drying this snack food because gentle heatingwill not be sufficient as this does not ensure that any bacteria that might still be present on the meat prior to cooking are killed (USDA, 2015). For example, bacteria such as Bacillus flavother musT have a maximum temperature cardinal value of 72 °C and if the meat is cooked to the temperature of 60 °C, the bacteria will still be able to survive (Todar, 2008 2012). Thus, they will continue to multiply in numbers and colonize the meat. Storage of final dried meat product? How long is the meat product stored? Always ensure to store dried meat in a vacuum packaging as this will minimize oxygen levels which inhibit the growth of aerobic bacteria. It also helps to reduce the oxidation of the meat which will result in meat spoilage. These will extent the shelf life of the snack food (Anon., 2012). A sealed dried meat product can be stored to a period of 12 months. However, if the dried meat product is made from home, then it can only be kept for about 1 to 2 months (USDA, 2013). Is water activity taken into consideration? Water is a requirement for bacteria growth, thus, it must be removed so as to inhibit the growth of microorganisms. It can be reduced by the drying process and the addition of salt to preserve the meat. How the salt works is that it would absorb all the water on the meat by the process called osmosis (Martin R. Adams and Maurice O. Moss, 2008). Are there hygiene practices done in the preparation of the dried snack food? To prevent cross-contamination, good hygiene practices and procedures are required in regards to handling the snack food. Food handlers should always wash their hands thoroughly with surfactants such as soap before and after handling with meat products. Always clean and disinfect all utensils, equipment and work surfaces before the preparation of the meat product. And do not mix raw and cooked food. Instead, incorporate the use of separate working and storage areas of raw, cooked and dried meat products (FSA, 2015). c) I would suggest the use of aerobic plate count and immunomagnetic separation to test the presence of Salmonella spp. and Escherichia.coli O157 In aerobic plate count, dilutions of the food sample are carried out and are then plated onto agar plates which contain suitable growth nutrients to favor the growth of microorganisms. The plates are then incubated at temperatures that bacteria can grow. After the incubation period, the total numbers of bacterial colonies arecounted; therefore, the total number of viable cells can be estimated (Hayes, 1995). Thelevels of Aerobic Colony Count (ACC) are used as a guidance to determine if the food product is safe for consumption (Agency, 2009). For example, if the Aerobic Colony Count (ACC) levels of bacteria have exceeded the expected level, the product cannot be consumed. For Salmonella spp., the infectious dose is normally 105 organisms, which is quite a big number. Whereas, as for Escherichia.coli O157, the infectious dose isless than 50 organisms (Inc., 2004). For Escherichia.coli O157 and Salmonella, Immunomagnetic separation is used as the â€Å"gold standard†to detect and isolate the bacteria as it is specific and sensitive. Then targeted organism is then isolated which will undergo serotyping for characterization (Inc, 2004). According to the guidelines for the microbiological safety of ready-to-eat foods, they are to be cooked and processed properly, especially with the addition of herbs and spices. It also includes bacteria that can possibly be from the source of poor hygiene. Lastly, tests on ready-to-eat foods are required so that food products which are not in compliance with the microbiological food safety criteria can be identified to protect public health (Agency, 2009). References Agency, H. P., 2009. Guidelines for Assessing the Microbiological Safety of Ready-to-Eat Foods Placed on the Market. [Online] Available at: Anon., 2012. Vacuum Packaging of Food Products. [Online] Available at: Anon., 2015. E. coli. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 May 2015]. Anon., 2015. Food Safety. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 May 2015]. ASQ Food, D. a. C. D., 2014. The Certified HACCP Auditor Handbook. 3rd ed. Wisconsin: American Society for Quality. Bech, C., 2014. Salmonella and food poisoning. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 February 2014]. CDC, 2013. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 January 2013]. CDC, 2013. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2 January 2013]. 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