Monday, December 30, 2019
Bildungsroman, Literary Genre - 870 Words
Stories of education depicted in a novel, normally refers to the character’s process as he learns from his experiences; these experiences shaping him to be the person he is at the end of the novel. Bildungsroman, a literary genre, comprises of this, where it is the term describing the process of the character’s psychological and moral growth in the story. Change in character is the most important characteristic of this genre. For the book in which this is being explored is Frankenstein. The story describes the lessons learnt by Victor and the Creature, how their experiences results in their actions in the book, and how all of these finally produced the people that they were at the end of the story. Firstly, their background was different, due to the way that they were educated from when they were born. How one is taught when they first came into the world would play the biggest determining factor in the personality the person will develop as he grows up. Victor was born from a wealthy family, notably considered to be one of the most distinguished in the country. He was doted on by his family, with his future mapped out for him since young, even arranged a marriage in the future by his parents. The creature on the other hand was abandoned at birth by his creator, leaving him alone to figure out the kindness and the cruelty of the world. He had absolutely nobody in the world, and the humans hated him due to his looks. He also feared the possibility that he had no one toShow MoreRelatedThe Way Of The World Essay1580 Words  | 7 Pages The literature world has divided into number of genres. The Germanic term ‘Bildungsroman’ state as one of a literacy genres, which specifically means a novel focuses on formative years or spiritual education of a character. The term is mainly about the ethical and psychological development of main characters of novels. The main purpose of the Bildungsroman is to bring out the character’s maturity overcame from a major conflict between the individuals and society. Most of the main characters takeRead MoreAn Analysis Of Esther And Plath s Life1947 Words  | 8 PagesI. Genres A. Autobiographical novel and Autobiography Literary conventions common to autobiographical works are usually written in the first person, which is the way in which a person might tell their own story. In this case, Esther is telling her story, first in a series of flashbacks and then in the present tense. The awful way in which the protagonist, Esther, views the events around her and the gory descriptions she offers, seem to represent not only horrible events, but also the torturedRead MoreLiterary Criticism : The Free Encyclopedia 7351 Words  | 30 Pages Bildungsroman From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search In literary criticism, a Bildungsroman (German pronunciation: [ˈbÉ ªldÊŠÅ‹s.Ê oËÅ'maË n]; German: novel of formation, education, culture),[a] novel of formation, novel of education,[2] or coming-of-age story (though it may also be known as a subset of the coming-of-age story) is a literary genre that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood (coming of age),[3]Read MoreRichard Wright s Native Son1644 Words  | 7 PagesVasileios Zervoulakos Dr. Shaun Cullen English 311 May 16, 2016 Assignment # 2 Topic: In class we discussed both Their Eyes Were Watching God and Native Son as examples of the literary genre sometimes called the bildungsroman (novel of growth or development) or more simply as coming of age stories. Choose one of the novels and argue whether or not the bildung or growth experienced by the novel’s protagonist is successful in the sense that the character has learned something that will contributeRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of The Outsiders1429 Words  | 6 PagesA young adult novel’s audience often desires relatable characters and a meaningful plot that helps them to find resolutions to their own uncertainties concerning life. Many authors employ the literary technique realism to satiate these cravings. Today, there are some popular novels that attempt to imitate this, such as the coveted The Fault in Our Stars or Divergent. These selections, while widespread in the hands of young adult readers today, will not stand the test of time in the way tha t The OutsidersRead MoreThe Movie The Outsiders By S. E. Hinton1571 Words  | 7 PagesSignificantly, Hinton’s award-winning realistic novel fills the void in the young adult genre through its impactful rhetorical devices, such as point of view, symbolism, and authentic vernacular of the time period. A piece of young adult literature, such as The Outsiders, needs to have a perspective that readers can sympathize with in order to be successful. For adolescents, the targeted age group of the genre, it is especially important to establish a connection with the fictional character. DuringRead MoreJane Eyre And A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man1473 Words  | 6 PagesYoung Man, by James Joyce, both exemplify the bildungsroman style, showing the growth of the characters over the course of each book. As bildungsroman novels, both texts share elements common to the genre, such as focusing primarily on character thoughts and reactions. They also share traits like periods of character development being tied to a particular place. However, they differ in other areas like narration style, conflict, and dialogue. The literary techniques that Brontà « and Joyce use causeRead MoreRomeo And The Germanic Word Buildungsroman Essay1589 Words  | 7 PagesRoles in Buildungsroman; Agn es Grey and David Copperfield The Germanic word Buildungsroman is a classification of literary genre that specifically focuses on personal accomplishment and maturation of main characters through texts. Buildungsroman is also considers to be the most significant description of emotional growth of main characters from their youth. This term Bildungsroman is closely associated with the two English novels written in the nineteenth century; â€Å"Agnes Grey†(1847) by Anne BronteRead MoreRise of the English Novel5132 Words  | 21 Pagestreasures of the literary world. Not until the eighteenth century, however, did a type of literature develop that completely broke the traditions of the past and opened the door to a whole new generation of writers. This new genre was appropriately called the English novel, and it helped to change the literary landscape forever. The English novel was not only a genre within itself, but it also formed several sub genres including historical, gothic, sentimental, epistola ry and bildungsroman novels. TheRead MoreThe Psychological And Moral Development From The Protagonist Childhood Into Adulthood Essay2096 Words  | 9 PagesIn a typical Bildungsroman novel is a coming of age story in which the psychological and moral development from the protagonist childhood into adulthood, in which the changes are deeply important to the novel. In Morgenstern’s statement â€Å"to depict a human being who develops toward his true nature by means of a collaboration of his inner dispositions with outer circumstances†and Lukacs’s statement â€Å"The theme is the reconciliation of the problematic individual†¦with concrete social reality†does not
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Plato s Perspective On Knowledge - 1110 Words
Plato’s Perspective on Knowledge Epistemology is the field of philosophy that deals with the nature, scope and origin of knowledge. It looks at how all forms of knowledge including what human beings claim to know and what they think they know, are derived. Many philosophers have contributed to the discussion of the origin of knowledge with various perspectives being applied. Some of the major views on epistemology are innate versus acquired knowledge as well as the rationalist and empiricist perspectives of reason and experience respectively. Plato’s stand on the origin of knowledge can be found in the detailed Theaetetus. These were Plato’s writings that covered his views and beliefs in the issue of epistemology. Some of his views on the†¦show more content†¦He discovers that the theory being employed in this definition is that of Protagoras whose view is that human beings are the measure of all things. The view is the human ability to identify appearance with that which is considered to be r eality. In this respect, knowledge seems as a private issue to the owner of the knowledge. This is to mean that what appears to an individual is only to that individual. The theory is therefore, identified as the interaction between two major elements which include a stimulus and sensory response to the stimulus. Thus, the stimuli that exist around can be described as objectively real. However, since each individual’s senses are private, the results of stimuli are private knowledge. After much criticism, Socrates refutes Theaetetus definition that knowledge is perception. Socrates brings up another element of knowledge which is the involvement of the mind in the interpretation of information derived from sensation. While sense simply collects raw data, the data must be transferred to the mind for further interpretation against the standards of already existing information. For example, when one takes a bite of an apple, the tongue collects the raw data that cannot resemble knowledge until it is interpreted by the mind. Due to this new revelation about knowledge and the mind, Plato’s definition of knowledge becomes true judgment. This is to mean that knowledge
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Essay on Freedom of Choice in A Clockwork Orange - 1220 Words
Freedom of Choice In the novel A Clockwork Orange, the author Anthony Burgess tells a story about a young man name Alex and his friends, every night they go around and start committing violent acts. In the novel Alex expresses his freedom of choice between good and evil. The freedom of choice is a decision that every person must make throughout his life in order to guide his actions and to take control of his own future. This Freedom of Choice, no matter what the outcome is, displays person power as an individual, and any efforts to control or influence this choice between good and evil will take way the person free will and enslave him. In this novel the author uses this symbolism through imagery. He shows that through the character of†¦show more content†¦. . theres no law nor order no more pg 14. He takes on a role of authority in a society of anarchy. Although he is impervious to the choice of good, Alex does not remain ignorant to this choice throughout the entire novel. In the beginnin g, he believes that violence is the only way to prove his control. This then leads to his loss of control through the loss of his ability of choice. Only in the very end Alex finally become a well-rounded character. He realizes that he does not have to choose evil and abuse his position to prove his right of choice. But where I itty now, O my brothers, is all on my oddy knocky, where you cannot go. Tomorrow is all like sweet flowers? pg 148. Alex now knows that his future is open for his choices to lead him. For good or for evil, it is his right to decide, and this is what truly proves his freedom of choice. In the novel, the first freedom of choice Alex made was the type music to which he listens too and loves, which is Mozart, Beethoven, and G.F. Handel, this type of music makes him very energetic, it helps him foster violence, and it is the only thing in his life that he truly cares for. This music represents the element of his choice and free will. When this choice is robbed from him in attempt to help him, he loses his love for music in which he said, ?All the time the music got more and more gromky, like it was all a deliberate torture, O my brothers pg 131. The music that representsShow MoreRelated What Title? Essay1307 Words  | 6 Pages A Clockwork Orange : Chosen Evil vs. Forced Morality nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;What becomes of a man stripped of his free will? Does he continue to be a man, or does he cease? These are questions that Anthony Burgess tries to answer. Written in the middle of Burgess’ writing career, A Clockwork Orange was a reflection of a youth subculture of violence and terrorization that was beginning to emerge in the early 1960s. The novel follows Alex, a young hoodlum who is arrested for his violent actsRead MoreA Clockwork Orange, by Stanley Kubrick1139 Words  | 5 Pagesadaptation of Anthony Burgess’ 1963 novel, A Clockwork Orange has been used to explore contemporary anxieties. A Clockwork Orange takes place in an outlandish and dreary vision of future Britain governed by an oppressive, totalitarian super government. In this society, ordinary people have fallen into a dazed state of complacency, unaware of the sinister growth of a rampant, violent youth culture. Anthony Burgess wrote his short novel A Clockwork Orange in 1962 as a way of coming to terms with theRead MoreAnalysis Of Anthony Burgess s A Clockwork Orange819 Words  | 4 Pagesmachines. Anthony Burgess, author of A Clockwork Orange, believes this trait is a person’s freedom to make conscious decisions. By taking away a person’s ability to choose between doing the right thing or the wrong thing, you also take away what makes them human. A Clockwork Orange creates a world documenting the decay of a person’s will to live and the loss of their humanity when their freedom of choice is taken away. Alex, the protagonist of A Clockwork Orange, is a textbook example of the bad boyRead MoreEssay about clockwork orange1467 Words  | 6 Pageswho cannot choose ceases to be a man.†â€â€Anthony Burgess nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A Clockwork Orange is a novel about moral choice and free will. Alex’s story shows what happens when an individual’s right to choose is robbed for the good of society. The first and last chapters place Alex in more or less the same physical situation but his ability to exercise free will leads him to diametrically opposite choicesâ€â€good versus evil. The phrase, â€Å"what’s it going to be then, eh?,†echoes throughout theRead More A Clockwork Orange Essay551 Words  | 3 Pages A Clockwork Orange Authors who write of other times and places help us to better understand our own lives. Discuss A Clockwork Orange in terms of that statement. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A â€Å"clockwork orange†can be described as something that has a convincing outer appearance yet in the inside is merely controlled by outer influences, such as a clock set in motion by its owner. In A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess takes us into the future where violent criminals are forced to be â€Å"goodRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s A Clockwork Orange 1611 Words  | 7 PagesAre you really free? Slaves to a cooperate world with pre-determined life plans and ‘choices’. Always connected but never truly free to do as we please. Or is this the path we are heading towards? 1984 and ‘A clockwork orange’ show a projection of a harsh dystopian future where the people are ruled over and oppressed by dictatorial governments. The minority who are brave enough to rebel are quickly brought to a halt and then conditioned to fit back into a ‘perfect’ society. In George Orwell’s novelRead More A Clockwork Orange Essay: Existentialist Analysis1535 Words  | 7 Pagesof Burgess A Clockwork Orange    Freedom and liberalism are catchwords that appear frequently in both philosophical and political rhetoric. A free man is able to choose his actions and his value system, to express his views and to develop his most authentic character. What this kind of idealistic liberalism seems to forget, however, is that liberty does not mean a better society, better life or humanistic values such as equality and justice. In his novel A Clockwork Orange (1962), AnthonyRead MoreFree Will And Determinism : A Clockwork Orange901 Words  | 4 PagesA Clockwork Orange demonstrates the philosophically issues of free will and determinism through how the main character was treated in the movie. It also addresses important issues such as ethics, philosophy of the mind, free will and determinism, and the problem of perception. Philosophers such as John Hospers, B.F. Skinner, and Jean-Paul Sartre have different views on the issue through their theories of how individuals are or are not responsi ble for the free will choices that they make in lifeRead MoreEssay on A Clockwork Orange916 Words  | 4 Pages I think that A Clockwork Orange is a book worth reading because it is relatable, makes you think, and is interesting. The author, Anthony Burgess, was born February 25, 1917. At the young age of two his mother passed away. He was brought up by his aunt and later his stepmother. Even with such an unstable childhood Burgess continued on to enroll in college and major in English. He had a passion for music, which he expressed in the main character of A Clockwork Orange. Burgess wrote several accomplishedRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Clockwork Orange 1439 Words  | 6 Pagesre you really free? Slaves to a cooperate world with pre-determined life plans and ‘choices’. Always connected but never truly free to do as we please. Or is this the path we are heading towards? 1984 and A clockwork orange show a projection of a harsh dystopian future where the people are ruled over and oppressed by dictatorial governments. The minority who are brave enough to rebel are quickly brought to a halt and then conditioned to fit back into a ‘perfect’ society. In 1984 George Orwell shows
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Leadership Is The General Consensus That Leadership, Does...
It is the general consensus that leadership, does matter and everything rises and falls on leadership (Maxwell, 1999). Leaders have vision, game plan, and a strategy to attain their desired goals. Furthermore, people are drawn to leaders for various reasons such as: their character, charisma, knowledge, experience, skills, and their ability to effectively communicate to followers. There are many ordinary unsung leaders that have made a great impact on the lives of others. One such person is Mr. Gregory Reid who has, and continues to positively affect my professional life. For this reason, it is fitting to explore and examine the path taken to leadership by Mr. Reid which includes his family, education, career path and document pertinent comments and approach that can be applied to my career, professional life. Gregory Reid (personal communication, February 5, 2016) emphasized that he grew up in a strict yet loving home atmosphere. According to Reid they were always doings things to gether as a family such as: visiting the Bronx Zoo, museum, libraries and on many occasions a simple trip to the ice cream store. His father was a CPA and his mother was involved in the publishing field and for the most part she was an editor. He pointed out that his parents were austere about academics and insisted that he and his sisters had voluminous reading material at home. His parents, by guiding them in the direction of reading and writing played a significant role in each stepShow MoreRelatedManagerial Perspective2966 Words  | 12 PagesPersonal Managerial Philosophy A manager is essentially a person that gives direction, provides leadership and decides how to use resources to accomplish organizational goals (Daft, 2008). As a person having been in the workforce for almost twenty-five years, I can say with experience, that managers and the methods they use to obtain organizational goals can make the difference between success and failure of a project and even an organization. A managerial philosophy is something that all managersRead MoreWhat Makes a Social Movement Successful : Leadership7184 Words  | 29 Pages What Makes a Social Movement Successful: Is Leadership the Deciding Factor? Political Science, Social Science Major (Class of 2012) Virginia Wesleyan College Social movements have a tremendous impact on our society and it is important that we understand how those movements are shaped. As individuals we are all part of a greater society and could be called upon to stand up for human rights. Understanding how to shape social movements so they have better chances of succeeding could mean the differenceRead MoreThe Core Features Of Teacher Professional Development7561 Words  | 31 PagesFirst, it presents a review of brief history, importance and the core features of teacher professional development. Second, it presents main stages and primary models of teacher professional development. Third, it presents the role of principal leadership in a teacher’s professional growth. Fourth, it presents a review of some cases of successful and unsuccessful teacher professional development programs of American public schools, and some reasons for failure of professional development programsRead MoreScientific Management Essay4909 Words  |  20 Pagesthey were and where theyve come, we first need to distinguish what a management style is. A management style, to us, and therefore, to the rest of this paper, is defined as a set of expectations an individual has, as to how they are to use their leadership position to involve themselves and to involve other people in the achievement of results. Various aspects, such as value systems, technology, organizational design, and globalization, all affect the culture of an organization and come into playRead MoreDynamic Capabilities9926 Words  | 40 Pagesbenefits of their innovation, IBM has been able to leverage their intellectual capital into businesses as diverse as life sciences, automotive and bankingâ€â€and make healthy profits along the way. How did this happen? While the broad story of IBM’s rise, fall, and transformation has been well-documented elsewhere1, there is a part of this story that is essential and not widely appreciatedâ€â€a story about strategy and execution and how the IBM strategy process links the two. It is an illustration of howRead MoreControl Your Destiny or Someone Else Will10092 Words  | 41 Pagescommunication becomes critical. (p.25) Act II concerns the creation of structures to institutionalize the organization’s vision. New practices are created to embody the new ideas; over time, these practices influence the way employees think. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ What does your global competitive environment look like? In the last three years, what have your competitors done to you? In the same period, what have you done to them? How might they attack you in the future? What are your plans to leapfrog them? (p.38)Read MoreLeading Function of Management15642 Words  | 63 PagesOrganizing It is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human resources and developing productive relationship amongst them for achievement of organizational goals. According to Henry Fayol, â€Å"To organize a business is to provide it with everything useful or its functioning i.e. raw material, tools, capital and personnel’s†. To organize a business involves determining providing human and non-human resources to the organizational structure. Organizing as a process involves: ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · IdentificationRead MoreHp Transformation Leadership21564 Words  | 87 PagesTRANSFORMATION Leadership at HP | Under supervision of DR. Ahmed Farouk | | This report will present transformation process of hp corp. By discussing the following topics: Organization background, organization culture specifically â€Å"hp way†, One of the leaders who leaded the company towards a great transformation, hp before and after the transformation and finally discussing the role of the human resource in the transformationRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 PagesCourse: MBA−10 General Management California College for Health Sciences MBA Program McGraw-Hill/Irwin abc McGraw−Hill Primis ISBN: 0−390−58539−4 Text: Effective Behavior in Organizations, Seventh Edition Cohen Harvard Business Review Finance Articles The Power of Management Capital Feigenbaum−Feigenbaum International Management, Sixth Edition Hodgetts−Luthans−Doh Contemporary Management, Fourth Edition Jones−George Driving Shareholder Value Morin−Jarrell Leadership, Fifth EditionRead MoreInformation Technology Implementation Issues: an Analysis45771 Words  | 184 Pages........... page(s) 1-15 †¢ Research Questions †¢ Problem Statement †¢ Purpose of Study †¢ Description of Issues †¢ Significance of Study Chapter 2: Literature Review....................................................... page(s) 16-51 Section I †¢ General Background Literature Management Information Systems MIS in the Public Sector Information Technologies and Local Government Section II †¢ Planning and Information Technology †¢ Procurement and Information Technology †¢ Information Technology Implementation
Friday, December 13, 2019
Women In Business Essay Free Essays
Unassuming nature (humility) M – Motivator I- Interpersonal skills S – Sense of purpose E – Empathic N – Notable – Innovative N – Novice S – Self-confidence Spokesman N – Never giving up E- Efficacious In the business world there are a lot of obstacles women have to face to climb the career ladder. Helen Keller once said, â€Å"Never bend your head. Always hold it high. We will write a custom essay sample on Women In Business Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Look the world right in the eye. †Women should take this message and run with it. It’s not the people around us but ourselves which holds us back from what we want to accomplish. Self-confidence is the master key that unlocks the door in succeeding in today’s business world. Confidence in one’s self assists in elevating our position. Once a woman is confident, she has pride in her work and a little hard work comes easy. Singer Marsha Evans once remarked, â€Å"You can have unbelievable intelligence, you can have connections, you can have opportunities fall out of the sky. But in the end hard work is the true, enduring characteristic of successful people. †Women, today we need not to be afraid of hard work. Working long hours and sacrificing our spare time is what it takes to build a business. Sometimes aging on an extra task can be beneficial to building the career we actually seek. We are classified as the ‘weaker vessels’, but if we endure the hard work, it only makes us stronger and climbing the career ladder would be easy. As aforementioned in the acronym, the attribute listed for ‘B’ in the word BUSINESS was bravery. Being a woman in a corporate world you would be timid by the male gender. You have to constantly push yourself out of your comfort zone to move forward. This means you have to take risks and accept when things go dismay. No matter the challenge or situation be brave. You will survive and turn things around. I am a young woman striving to succeed. Ambition is embedded. I don’t settle for second best. â€Å"Reach for the stars†, but in reality I want to have it in the palm of my hands. My vision, dreams and aspirations will be a reality. The words of Anita Rowdier, â€Å"To succeed you have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes a reality’, and know I have passion within. For no matter what it is once I’m involved I will be passionate and committed. I stumbled upon a poem and the words of it really depicts who am and the attributes posses. Heart of a Woman in Business by Sherry Rough is an inspirational poem for women for all walks of life. A woman in business is like no other Multi-brilliant at work, and often too, a mother. Guided by vision to make a difference in this world, Reporting for service, with her hair even curled. Ready to go, whenever the need She knows in her heart, there’s a calling to feed. To do right, to speak up, determined to succeed A role model that plants the possibility seed. Knows who she is, right down to the core Her essence, her passion-?shine all the more! She’s in charge with a handle on it all. At the office, at home, or at the mall. Even in the depth of all she may know Realizes there’s still plenty room to grow. So energetic, creative and fun . Early rise, there’s much to be done! She still finds time to laugh and to play Sacred time too, to kneel and to pray It comes from inside, driven by vision, Get on board-?she’s on a great mission! Her daily prayer resides in God’s grace Serving others from her heart sets the pace Making use of her talent, wisdom and skill From strengths and trust in Divine will. Gentle, compassionate, loving and strong In this sisterhood Of success you want to belong Anything she puts her heart to she can do SSH?s not alone assist-?as you can too! The road to get here has been quite a ride â€Å"Call me ‘Woman’-? it’s my source of pride! †Come along, she’s blazing’ new trail A woman in business-?whom we all hail Studying at a prestigious institution as Hull International Business School will broaden my horizon and the outlook for my life. It will allow me to build on the skills and traits that I already own and develop new ones that will take me on the road to success full speed. Women rarely hold highly influential leadership positions. I believe that women are just as capable of being successful leaders as men with the same abilities. If more women are allowed and encouraged to become leaders, it would create a wavelet effect throughout society. There is an imbalance in the business world between men and women leaders. It is very critical that women hold leadership position. Within the work environment there will be new perspectives and outlook on different situations. We have accepted the mental abilities that men and women are equal. Marie C. Wilson in Closing the Leadership Gap: Add Women Change Everything said, â€Å"When look at issues face, and when I think of the need, I am as convinced as I have ever been that our future depends on the leadership of women – not to replace men but to transform our options alongside them. †These words that came forth is truly a divine statement. Women holding leadership positions isn’t undermining men in influential positions but wanting to work hand in hand with them. You receive views from each person and ideas can be formulated and bought forth. It shouldn’t be about male vs.. Male but about how we can all benefit. Right now too much power is placed within the grasp of men and the masculine perspective. A survey from Right Management Consultants shows that the skill that companies most often seek in managers is the ability to motivate and engage others. These characteristics are displayed more from women. Ultimately, if women are in leadership positions with their male counterpart, the feminine qualities such as intuitive, compassionate and emotional nature will bloom. â€Å"The gateway to our intuitive wisdom and our connection to the rater landscape of humanity is emotions,†quote Tabby Fiddle. How to cite Women In Business Essay, Essays
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Australian Taxation Office Perspective Work â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Australian Taxation Office Perspective Work? Answer: Introducation The taxation ruling of TR 93/6 is related to the arrangement made by the bank to lower down the interest payable on the loan account of the customers (Woellner et al. 2016). Such arrangement by bank are understood as interest offset arrangement however they are known as the loan account offset arrangement. The products are generally structured in such a manner no amount of interest is derived by the customers and as a result of this customers are not liable to pay any amount of income tax relating to the fringe benefit arising from the account. Under such circumstances Brian is provided with the facility of loan accounting offset programme with the objective of reducing the interest charged to the employees in respect of the loan fringe benefit under section 16 of the Fringe Benefit Tax Assessment Act 1986 (Robin 2017). As a result of from such offset arrangement Brian will not be liable to pay tax on such fringe benefit arising from the loan account.The loan offset benefit provided to Brian results in fringe benefit and under section 16 of the FBTAA 1986 he will not be required to pay tax. The issue explains the division of the net income or loss relating to the rental property amid the co-owners of that property. The taxation ruling of TR 93/32 assesses the position of taxable position of the co-owners whose actions are not considered to be performing of a business functions (Blakelock and King 2017). The ruling defines that Co-ownership of the rental property is regarded as the partnership within the scope of the income tax however it is not regarded as the partnership under the general law except the ownership is regarded as the carrying on of a business (Barkoczy 2016). The case study introduces that Jack and his wife Jill entered in a partnership of purchasing the rental property. A contract between Jack and Jill was formed whereby the contract stated that Jack will be getting a profit of 10% on the other hand Jill will be getting a profit of 90% from the joint ownership of the property. There was a clause contained in the property that comprised of the agreement where Jack was to shoulder entire amount of loss. This states that agreement between them were in nature of joint owners or tenants in common. The tenancies are additionally understood as the co-owners of the interests (Barkoczy et al. 2016). According to the Taxation Ruling of 93/32 it can be determined that Jack and Jill their partnership accounts for income tax purpose but not as the partners under the general law. As determined in the case of McDonald v FC of T (1987) it was contended that there was no partnership under the general law and only a significant relation among the partners existed of the co-ownership (Anderson, Dickfos and Brown 2016). Being the joint tenants at law and equity the loss that has been incurred in letting the premises must be shared equally with the consequences that the parties are required to one of the deductions. Similarly in case of Jack and Jill they will be held as tenants under law and equity with the losses should be shared among them on equally basis. If they decide to sell the premises then the cost base together with the reduced cost based should be considered in the cost of acquisition. Furthermore, the capital gains and loss must be considered under the interest of the ownerships between Jack and Jill. The taxpayer and his wife did not contented to be a partnership at the general law and only a relation of co-ownership prevailed between them which required them to share profit equally. The duke of Westministerss case has been regularly referred at the time of tax avoidance. As held in the case of IRC v Duke of Westminster(1936) the Duke of Westminster engaged a gardener and paid the gardener from the Dukes substantial amount of post-tax income (Tran and Walpole 2016). To lower down the tax the Duke stopped the payment of wages to the gardener and as an alternative drew up a covenant that agreed to disburse a corresponding sum. Under the laws of tax of the time, this provided Duke with the opportunity of claiming deductions with the objective of reducing their taxable income and hence reduces their tax liability to income tax and surtax. It can be stated that no taxpayer would be required to pay higher amount of tax. On the other hand a succeeding principle of WT Ramsay v IRC has been referred in order to limit the instances of tax avoidance that is put into the use by the individual taxpayers (James 2016). The principles accordingly lay down that commercial transac tion must have the business rather than simply making tax avoidance. On implementing, the principles in the present age of Australia it can be stated that if an individual is effective in ordering tax affairs with the objective that no individual is required in their inventiveness to pay anything more than the assigned amount. The outcomes defines that the taxpayers have the prospect of reducing tax liabilities but this should be done inside the framework of law. If the principles is applied in the modern day of Australia then individuals and companies are required to make their financial reports in a way that the purpose of reducing tax should be in such a manner that tax liability should be in respect of the legal construction of the act (Braithwaite 2017). The problem deals with the degree of receipts that is produced from the sale of the timber will be regarded as the taxable income indulged in the activities of forestry. Section 6 (1) of the ITAA 1936 Taxation Rulings of TR 95/6 Subsection 36 (1) Section 26 (f) McCauley v FC of T (1944) Stanton v FC of T (1955) Applications: According to the taxation ruling of TR 95/6 a taxpayer is regarded as the primary producer under the income tax purpose for indulging in the forestry industry given that the forestry activity comprises of carrying on of a business (Newman 2016). According to the Subsection 6 (1) of the ITAA 1936 defines that forestry operations is regarded planting or tending of trees in plantation or forest that is intended for felling. As evident Bill has a land that comprises of the pine trees and he ultimately accepted the offer of the logging company that paid him with $1,000 for every 100 meters of timber it can take from Bills land. As depicted in Sub section 6 (1) of the ITAA 1936 Bill will be treated as primary producer since he has been indulgent in tending of trees in the land which he owned (Barkoczy 2016). The taxation ruling of 95/6 provides that the forest functions comprises of the tending of trees in a plantation in spite of the fact that the taxpayer was not indulgent in the process of plantation or felling down of trees. The analysis defines that Bill though being the owner of the land did not planted the trees for felling but it can be argued that selling of timber is an assessable income under section 36 (1). On receiving a large sum of $50,000 by Bill for granting the right to the logging company of taking the timber according their wants then the amount that is received by bill will be treated as Royalties under section 26 (f) (Blakelock and King 2017). The ordinary concept of royalty is considered under numerous cases including the case of Stanton v FC of T (1955) which describes that the modern applications falls under two heads. It consists of payments that results in monopolies or owner of the soil obtains in regard to takings of anything special that forms the part of it. Referring to the case of bill it can be said that the definition of royalties is applicable since he being the owner of the soil grants the rights to logging company of taking timber as much as they want from his soil. The case of McCauley v FC of T (1944) defines that amount received as the payment for granting the right of cutting down the trees then the sum that is received for cutting down the timber would be regarded as royalties. The amount received by bill will be treated as royalties under section 26 (f) of the act. Conclusion: The case study explains that bill is considered as performing the business forestry and the amount received by him would be treated as assessable income. Reference List: Anderson, C., Dickfos, J. and Brown, C., 2016. The Australian Taxation Office-what role does it play in anti-phoenix activity?.INSOLVENCY LAW JOURNAL,24(2), pp.127-140. Barkoczy, S., 2016. Foundations of Taxation Law 2016.OUP Catalogue. Barkoczy, S., Nethercott, L., Devos, K. and Richardson, G., 2016.Foundations Student Tax Pack 3 2016. Oxford University Press Australia New Zealand. Blakelock, S. and King, P., 2017. Taxation law: The advance of ATO data matching. Financial, The,37(6), p.18. Braithwaite, V. ed., 2017.Taxing democracy: Understanding tax avoidance and evasion. Routledge. James, K., 2016. The Australian Taxation Office perspective on work-related travel expense deductions for academics.International Journal of Critical Accounting,8(5-6), pp.345-362. Newman, S., 2016. The new CGT withholding regime: More than meets the eye.Proctor, The, Management, p.18. ROBIN, H., 2017.AUSTRALIAN TAXATION LAW 2017. OXFORD University Press. Tran-Nam, B. and Walpole, M., 2016. Tax disputes, litigation costs and access to tax justice.eJournal of Tax Research,14(2), p.319. Woellner, R.H., Barkoczy, S., Murphy, S., Evans, C. and Pinto, D., 2016.Australian Taxation Law Select: Legislation and Commentary 2016. Oxford University Press
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Logistics and Operations Management for R&O Shops - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theLogistics and Operations Management for RO Shops. Answer: Critical Discussion and Application of the Technique The given case study has identified the significant ways to reduce the overall TAT which is taken into consideration with increasing working hours for the existing staff. However, a more comprehensive approach to ensure the reduction in the overall turnover time with the appropriate six sigma tool will be observed with the implementation of cause and effect analysis. A cause and effect diagram, also known as the fishbone diagram will be able to solve the problem in four steps (Sin et al. 2015). Firstly, this technique will be able to identify the problem responsible for the high TAT. Secondly, it will work out with the important factors associated to the problem, identify the possible reasons and getting a clear view for the cause of problem. This will be also able to identify the exact reasons for the slow response of shop orders from Singapore. The evaluation of the cause and effect diagram will consider the rotable support and ensure more quality in the RO shops. The identification of the performance and service level of the TAT will be further able to observe the competitors strategy in a more effective way. Some of the other significant consideration with reduction in the turnaround time from 47 days to 30 day needs to be taken into account with understanding of the reasons for producing more number of defective parts. It is important to understand the reasons for delay in receiving the defective parts. The organization will be able to decide on the appropriate distrib ution policy by confirming the reason for the issues in the production process (Pyzdek and Keller 2014). The cause and effect diagram will be also able to consider the various types of the problems in the R O information flow. This will be considered with knowing about the engineering scope of work, getting the customer approval and estimating the overall cost. The resolution of the warranty issues will be also able to significantly contribute to reduce the overall TAT. The application of cause and effect diagram will be able to identify the time taken for information exchange in the different types of the department for the customers and administrative TAT. The application of the cause and effect diagram will be also able to identify the motive of higher waiting time for the assembly technicians in the receiving the parts (Goetsch and Davis 2014). The delay in the time spent needs to be also analysed as per the lack of spares like rivets and blades. In addition to this, maintaining the stock of inventory will help in the assessment and know about the different types of the concerns rel ated to essential parts requirement for the inventory. The TAT is also observed to be dependent on the inter-departmental linkages which will be duly addressed with the application of the RO model. Several types of the other manufacturing facilities will be also able to know about the clear targets with the TATS. Henceforth application of cause and effect analysis in the said ways will help to minimize the TAT (Conger 2015). References Conger, S., 2015. Six sigma and business process management. InHandbook on Business Process Management 1(pp. 127-146). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014.Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Pyzdek, T. and Keller, P.A., 2014.The six sigma handbook(Vol. 4). New York: McGraw-Hill Education. Sin, A.B., Zailani, S., Iranmanesh, M. and Ramayah, T., 2015. Structural equation modelling on knowledge creation in Six Sigma DMAIC project and its impact on organizational performance.International Journal of Production Economics,168, pp.105-117.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Social Institutions Essay Example
Social Institutions Essay Social Institutions are a set of organized beliefs and rules that are to establish how society will meet basic functions. Social institutions are basic and important to the human society. Social institutions provide structure for behavior in certain parts of social life. There are several types of Social institutions such as mass media, the government, the economy, family, and the healthcare system (Schaefer R. T. , Pg. 113). Each of these social institutions listed intersect and are interrelated coming together and affecting our daily life. I have chosen to focus this paper on a social institution that is not listed above; the social institution of education. Education is both a social institution and an organization. Education is a process where educated teachers teach skills, knowledge and values to students. Education has been in our history since the 1950’s. Each individual has the right to have an education whether young or old. Individuals need education to prepare them for dealing with the issues in everyday life. This gives us an insight to why education prepares one for life as an adult. In the time that we live now schools are in competition with other social institutions and our government has been unsuccessful in satisfying all needs of education. The history of education states that education served both the economic and political needs though this has changed. Below I will look closer at the theories in how they relate to education and are represented by individuals, society and the social change. The Functionalist perspective is a sociological approach which emphasizes the way in which the parts of a society are structured to maintain its stability (Schaefer R. T. , Pg. 14). We will write a custom essay sample on Social Institutions specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Social Institutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Social Institutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This means that one would not work without the other. Education performs a number of important services each contributing to the operation and maintenance of the whole system. Functionalist believes that there are main functions of education, transmission of cultural values, social control, economic training and social selection. The functionalist strives for stability rather than conflict and change, for changes could confuse the balance of social systems. According to the functionalist theory Education has an effect on the view of individuals who are a part of education because a bridge is seen between family and society. Schools transmit core values of society, as well a social network for the young encouraging innovation and social change. The educational system is seen as fair, the schools teach what acceptable behavior is and what is unacceptable. Functionalist believes that in every society there is the right to regulate some of the citizen’s activities. Young ones are prepared for adult roles and positions through the socialization of education. Labor is provided for education to meet needs of our economy. Without the economy our schools would not be able to survive. Functionalist claim that the educational institutes provide the training of skills, needed to fulfill jobs in society, without these families would not be able to survive either. According to the functionalist view there is a high degree of equality for opportunity in the educational system. The functionalists stress the link between the economy and education. We all benefit from the benefits of the educational system. There are differences between the social class and education; individuals are assigned to functions by education rather than by class. The functionalist theory suggests that as a society develops they become complex and interdependent. Emphasing social order rather than social change. These causing differences that shall be integrated as a whole. This meaning change does not occur but structures within society change or emerge to compensate for the change. The change occurs and the structures are integrated to assure smooth functioning, this allowing for social order to be achieved through the process of socialization, education and sanctions. The view of society by functionalism is affected by society because they believe that the society must function together or it shall fall apart, calling for a system that will instill beliefs and values in each member such as the school, believing that those who work the hardest will be the only ones to excel in society. The functionalist believe that the meritocratic society in which society is based on ability and effort rather than a privilege and inheritance stating that society works better when education is present. The more the skills of an individual the better the society will be, and the more education would require less inequality. Students learn morals and the moral are a part of the society and have a part in the society this preventing the failure of society allowing one to feel a part of the society. Based on conflict theory society consists of different groups that struggle with one another to obtain the social resources that are available, these being money, power, prestige, and/or the authority to impose one’s value within the society. The conflict theory believes strongly in change, disregards stability and its job is to control. Education can be used by powerful groups to limit opportunities for those of less power in the society. The conflict theory individuals view education as a power to exert power over another. Since education is based on class, students are born into the social system; this determines his or her behavior. Each student is viewed differently as a result in being taught and treated differently by those who may be of a higher class in the society. This is cause for inequality which the conflict theorists think that there is little that can be done about the inequality without broader changes. This results in a lot of confusion between students and teachers. For example one school teaches in one manner and the other may teach in a completely different manner. The conflict theory is viewed as a competition between students, lack of power, influence, wealth are all viewed as one’s own fault. According to conflict theory social changes in not avoidable in society. When society reaches a point the organization forms barriers to further economic growth due to powerful groups and as the interest change so does society. Society strives through power, dominance, and authority. The most powerful members will create the rules for one to succeed and for the opportunities in the society, this allowing the groups to keep the power and authority. The functionalist and conflict perspective are similar in some ways. They both examine the same functions, and agree that the educational system practices sorting but they disagree on how sorting enacts. Both have a structuralism in the approach to education, paying attention to the social institutions rather than the individuals. The attention to the students and teacher interaction is little this including how the teacher or student may interpret what goes on in the schools. When looking at the interaction perspective it focuses on everyday social interaction among the individuals rather than the large social structures such as politics and education. The interaction perspective places focus on the face to face social interaction between the student and the teacher while in the classroom. Recognizing the social expectations and meanings as a part of interaction; this playing a major role in what the students learn and accomplish as well how they feel about themselves. Ones social life is determined by expected behaviors this meaning a person will learns from communication and social interactions. Internationalists ignore the fact that social institutions such as family, religion, and the economy have part in molding the human behavior. The Interactions perspective claims that educational attainment is constructed through teacher expectations and inside of the schools. The schools label the students according to their grades, and self is determined by interaction. Concerns of interaction are made regularly about the daily life and experiences. Self is viewed by how others view the individual and how the person responds and develops his or her response. How people interpret objects and meanings around them is the determination of social change. Social interactions then change perspective on the viewing of something, expectations and boundaries are then changed. Change is a dynamic and constant feature of society. Our society is created by those who exist and act, society will always be changing. References Schaefer R. T. , Sociology: A Brief Introduction 8th Edition, McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. 2009. http:www. cliffnotes. com/WileyCDA/CliffsReviewTopic/Theories-of-Education. topicAtricle www. educationforum. co. uk/sociology_2/roleofeducationpptt. ppt http://www. edu. utas. edu. au/users/pthrosse/ED4-99/HaraHolborn. htm
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Assignment # 3. Evaluation of Media Essay Example
Assignment # 3. Evaluation of Media Essay Many companies hire product placement firms to gain consumer recognition without the traditional sales tactics. Product placement is a form of advertising and promotion in which products are placed in television shows and or movies to gain exposure. In recent years this form of advertising has grown 46. 4 percent from 2003 to 2004 and grew another 22. 7 percent in 2005. It is now a $4. 5 billion industry (Belch Belch 2009). Strayer University is a college formerly known as Strayer college of Baltimore whose headquarters is in Arlington Virginia. The for-profit university currently has 88 locations and is assessable online internationally. In an attempt to further Strayer’s reach three media options are recommended: Content Sponsorship, Advetiainment and Ad-Supported Video on Demand. Utilizing these strategies will help Strayer develop a cohesive and appealing integrated marketing campaign. These strategies are called branded entertainment, which is a form of advertisement that blends marketing and entertainment through television, film, music, talent and technology. The first branded entertainment strategy that is recommended is Advertainment. Advertainment is the creation of video and/or music content by an advertiser in an attempt to entertain views while advertising their products. For example, a company may plan an outdoor concert for the sole purpose of advertising their brand. Strayer could benefit from this by planning a short series of commercials interviewing famous people or people with extraordinary stories that have graduated from a non traditional college and have become extremely successful. We will write a custom essay sample on Assignment # 3. Evaluation of Media specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Assignment # 3. Evaluation of Media specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Assignment # 3. Evaluation of Media specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The second branded entertainment strategy is content sponsorship. Content sponsorship is when an advertiser rather than developing their own content; some advertisers agree to sponsor specific programs, receiving product placement, integration and promotions in return. For example, MTV decides to have the MTV awards and they look for companies who wish to donate money to the events cost in return for advertisement opportunities during the scheduled event. Strayer University can benefit from this strategy by sponsoring a new movie that is coming on television for the first time. The type of movie that they should sponsor should be one that targets their specific consumer: career professionals, parents, and non traditional students. Lastly, the Ad-Supported Video on Demand branded entertainment strategy. Ad-Supported Video on Demand is specialized content programs offered through cable TV networks that are developed by advertisers and provided to the cable operators for free (Belch Belch 2009). Strayer University could benefit from this type of advertisement by producing a short presentation on the success stories of Strayer University. After considering the branded entertainment strategies, media planning is of paramount importance. Media planning is a series of decisions involved in the delivery of an advertising message to prospective purchasers and or users of a product or services. The media plan determines the best way to get the advertisers message to the market (Belch Belch 2009). In other words, we will use branded entertainment techniques however, what are the best ways to do so? Would sponsoring a music video award show be better than sponsoring an outdoor concert? Decisions such as these are critical to creating a successful integrated marketing campaign. Situation Analysis Strayer currently has 88 campus locations and is assessable on the World Wide Web. Strayer currently has 45, 491 students enrolled ( Strayer University). Strayer’s current competitors are other online universities such as Devry, Capella, Waldern and Phoenix. In addition to the online universities Strayer also competes with public and private universities. However, at this time Strayer targets the nontraditional student by the tagline â€Å"we fit your life†. Media Plan The recommended media plan begins with the goal of making Strayer known as the non traditional school for non traditional people who are ready to excel. First, the university would use ad a job fair from noon until the eight in the evening at a hotel. In order creating a job fair and them sponsor a Movie on television. In addition, Strayer should produce a 30 minute movie to be watched on video on demand about strayer success stories. During each of the previous advertiaiment and sponsorship strayer should advertise for its on demand movie. The range on the TV advertianment and sponsorship is vast. If the sponoship is done at the right time, on lifetime the commercials can be expected to reach 3. 9 milliion viewers. The premiere of Jennifer Love Hewitts original movie on Monday night about a housewife turned prostitute hooked Lifetime the second-largest telefilm delivery of 2010 reaching 3. 9 million viewers on July 19, according to Nielsen data. Included in that total were 2. 09 million adults 25 to 54, 1. 88 million persons 18 to 49, 1. 36 million females 18 to 49 and 1. million women 25 to 54 ( internet source). In addition, Rentrak stated that, VOD viewers spent more than 3. 1 billion hours watching on-demand content last year. In an average month, 45% of enabled set-top boxes are accessing VOD. Active users of VOD are ordering an average of 16. 4 free programs per month, 8. 7 subscription programs and 2. 0 movies-on-demand. Viewers placed 5. 1 billion FOD orders and spent nearly 1. 6 billion hours watching FOD cont ent. Subscription VOD content generated 1. 6 billion transactions and more than 1. 1 billion hours of playtime. Transactional VOD content generated over 208 million orders, totaling over $963 million in gross revenues. Frequency The frequency is the number of times a person must be exposed to an advertising message before a response is made and before exposure is considered wasteful. Thomas Smith wrote a guide called Successful Advertising in 1885 that is still being used today which states found the following: The first time people look at any given ad, they dont even see it. The second time, they dont notice it. The third time, they are aware that it is there. The fourth time, they have a fleeting sense that theyve seen it somewhere before. The fifth time, they actually read the ad. The sixth time they thumb their nose at it. The seventh time, they start to get a little irritated with it. The eighth time, they start to think, Heres that confounded ad again. The ninth time, they start to wonder if theyre missing out on something. The tenth time, they ask their friends and neighbors if theyve tried it. The eleventh time, they wonder how the company is paying for all these ads. The twelfth time, they start to think that it must be a good product. The thirteenth time, they start to feel the product has value. The fourteenth time, they start to remember wanting a product exactly like this for a long time. The fifteenth time, they start to yearn for it because they cant afford to buy it. The sixteenth time, they accept the fact that they will buy it sometime in the future. The seventeenth time, they make a note to buy the product. The eighteenth time, they curse their poverty for not allowing them to buy this terrific product. The nineteenth time, they count their money very carefully. The twentieth time prospects see the ad, they buy what is offering. Based on this philosophy, our frequency number will be 20. During the Advertainment, we will make sure that we expose our attendees to the Job Fair advertisement at least 20 times before the date. During the sponsoring of our movie we will make sure that we involve our advertisement 20 times and have our video on demand advertisement make reference to strayer 20 times. Assignment # 3. Evaluation of Media Essay Example Assignment # 3. Evaluation of Media Essay Many companies hire product placement firms to gain consumer recognition without the traditional sales tactics. Product placement is a form of advertising and promotion in which products are placed in television shows and or movies to gain exposure. In recent years this form of advertising has grown 46. 4 percent from 2003 to 2004 and grew another 22. 7 percent in 2005. It is now a $4. 5 billion industry (Belch Belch 2009). Strayer University is a college formerly known as Strayer college of Baltimore whose headquarters is in Arlington Virginia. The for-profit university currently has 88 locations and is assessable online internationally. In an attempt to further Strayer’s reach three media options are recommended: Content Sponsorship, Advetiainment and Ad-Supported Video on Demand. Utilizing these strategies will help Strayer develop a cohesive and appealing integrated marketing campaign. These strategies are called branded entertainment, which is a form of advertisement that blends marketing and entertainment through television, film, music, talent and technology. The first branded entertainment strategy that is recommended is Advertainment. Advertainment is the creation of video and/or music content by an advertiser in an attempt to entertain views while advertising their products. For example, a company may plan an outdoor concert for the sole purpose of advertising their brand. Strayer could benefit from this by planning a short series of commercials interviewing famous people or people with extraordinary stories that have graduated from a non traditional college and have become extremely successful. We will write a custom essay sample on Assignment # 3. Evaluation of Media specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Assignment # 3. Evaluation of Media specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Assignment # 3. Evaluation of Media specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The second branded entertainment strategy is content sponsorship. Content sponsorship is when an advertiser rather than developing their own content; some advertisers agree to sponsor specific programs, receiving product placement, integration and promotions in return. For example, MTV decides to have the MTV awards and they look for companies who wish to donate money to the events cost in return for advertisement opportunities during the scheduled event. Strayer University can benefit from this strategy by sponsoring a new movie that is coming on television for the first time. The type of movie that they should sponsor should be one that targets their specific consumer: career professionals, parents, and non traditional students. Lastly, the Ad-Supported Video on Demand branded entertainment strategy. Ad-Supported Video on Demand is specialized content programs offered through cable TV networks that are developed by advertisers and provided to the cable operators for free (Belch Belch 2009). Strayer University could benefit from this type of advertisement by producing a short presentation on the success stories of Strayer University. After considering the branded entertainment strategies, media planning is of paramount importance. Media planning is a series of decisions involved in the delivery of an advertising message to prospective purchasers and or users of a product or services. The media plan determines the best way to get the advertisers message to the market (Belch Belch 2009). In other words, we will use branded entertainment techniques however, what are the best ways to do so? Would sponsoring a music video award show be better than sponsoring an outdoor concert? Decisions such as these are critical to creating a successful integrated marketing campaign. Situation Analysis Strayer currently has 88 campus locations and is assessable on the World Wide Web. Strayer currently has 45, 491 students enrolled ( Strayer University). Strayer’s current competitors are other online universities such as Devry, Capella, Waldern and Phoenix. In addition to the online universities Strayer also competes with public and private universities. However, at this time Strayer targets the nontraditional student by the tagline â€Å"we fit your life†. Media Plan The recommended media plan begins with the goal of making Strayer known as the non traditional school for non traditional people who are ready to excel. First, the university would use ad a job fair from noon until the eight in the evening at a hotel. In order creating a job fair and them sponsor a Movie on television. In addition, Strayer should produce a 30 minute movie to be watched on video on demand about strayer success stories. During each of the previous advertiaiment and sponsorship strayer should advertise for its on demand movie. The range on the TV advertianment and sponsorship is vast. If the sponoship is done at the right time, on lifetime the commercials can be expected to reach 3. 9 milliion viewers. The premiere of Jennifer Love Hewitts original movie on Monday night about a housewife turned prostitute hooked Lifetime the second-largest telefilm delivery of 2010 reaching 3. 9 million viewers on July 19, according to Nielsen data. Included in that total were 2. 09 million adults 25 to 54, 1. 88 million persons 18 to 49, 1. 36 million females 18 to 49 and 1. million women 25 to 54 ( internet source). In addition, Rentrak stated that, VOD viewers spent more than 3. 1 billion hours watching on-demand content last year. In an average month, 45% of enabled set-top boxes are accessing VOD. Active users of VOD are ordering an average of 16. 4 free programs per month, 8. 7 subscription programs and 2. 0 movies-on-demand. Viewers placed 5. 1 billion FOD orders and spent nearly 1. 6 billion hours watching FOD cont ent. Subscription VOD content generated 1. 6 billion transactions and more than 1. 1 billion hours of playtime. Transactional VOD content generated over 208 million orders, totaling over $963 million in gross revenues. Frequency The frequency is the number of times a person must be exposed to an advertising message before a response is made and before exposure is considered wasteful. Thomas Smith wrote a guide called Successful Advertising in 1885 that is still being used today which states found the following: The first time people look at any given ad, they dont even see it. The second time, they dont notice it. The third time, they are aware that it is there. The fourth time, they have a fleeting sense that theyve seen it somewhere before. The fifth time, they actually read the ad. The sixth time they thumb their nose at it. The seventh time, they start to get a little irritated with it. The eighth time, they start to think, Heres that confounded ad again. The ninth time, they start to wonder if theyre missing out on something. The tenth time, they ask their friends and neighbors if theyve tried it. The eleventh time, they wonder how the company is paying for all these ads. The twelfth time, they start to think that it must be a good product. The thirteenth time, they start to feel the product has value. The fourteenth time, they start to remember wanting a product exactly like this for a long time. The fifteenth time, they start to yearn for it because they cant afford to buy it. The sixteenth time, they accept the fact that they will buy it sometime in the future. The seventeenth time, they make a note to buy the product. The eighteenth time, they curse their poverty for not allowing them to buy this terrific product. The nineteenth time, they count their money very carefully. The twentieth time prospects see the ad, they buy what is offering. Based on this philosophy, our frequency number will be 20. During the Advertainment, we will make sure that we expose our attendees to the Job Fair advertisement at least 20 times before the date. During the sponsoring of our movie we will make sure that we involve our advertisement 20 times and have our video on demand advertisement make reference to strayer 20 times.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Catcher in the Rye Analysis Essays
Catcher in the Rye Analysis Essays Catcher in the Rye Analysis Paper Catcher in the Rye Analysis Paper Essay Topic: The Catcher in the Rye The Catcher In the Rye Abandonment the act of one leaving or being left; or as every young adult sees It, the act of leaving and losing the ones you love forever. Many teenagers fear their friends and families leaving when they grow out of their transition from childhood to adulthood. Holder Coalfields life is revolving around his anxiety of abandonment in J. D. Clingers novel, Catcher in the Rye. Holders apprehension of desertion springs from his inability to maintain friendships, incompetence to deal with his feelings, and Incapability to cope with the pain of missing people. Holder Coalfields withdraw from society stems from his feeling of abandonment through his relationships with friends and family. Holders withdraw from society stems from his inability to maintain friendships and relationships. Slinger makes it clear that Holder doesnt have the best relations with people. Holder talks with Sally Hayes and suggests that the two of them leave the city together and spend their lives together. When the conversation with Sally ceasefires, Holder says, We both hated each others guts by that time. You could see there wasnt any sense trying to have intelligent conversation. I was sorry as hell Id started it (Slinger 133). Holders anger of when she states that she does not want to leave escalates throughout the passage and ruins their relationship. Holders inability to maintain healthy relationships and friendships cause him to remove himself from society. Another cause as to why Holder withdraws from society roots from his Incompetence to deal with his feelings. Holder was talking to Phoebe, and she asked him what he likes. Holder presumes to say that he Likes Allele and he liked sitting with Phoebe and talking to her. When Phoebe said that Holder couldnt like Allele because hes dead, Holder yells, l know hes dead! Dont you think I know that? I can still like him, though, cant l? Just because somebody dead, you dont stop liking them, for Gods sake especially if they were a thousand times nicer than the people you know theatre alive and all (Slinger 171). Holder lashes out towards Phoebe because he Anton handle the fact that he still loves and misses Allele, even though Allele Is gone forever. He knows that Allele will never be with them again and it angers him because he still cant get over the traumatic realization that Allele is vanished from his life. A portion of the reasoning behind Holders choice to back away from society stems from his incompetence to deal with his feelings. A third reason as to why Holder tries to pull away from society is his incapability to deal with the pain of people being gone. Holder often hides things deep inside ND doesnt let people know that he misses them.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
culture in nursing Essays
culture in nursing Essays culture in nursing Essay culture in nursing Essay Cultural Assessment Culture in Nursing Nurses need to be culturally sensitive and culturally competent because a persons culture is the foundation for what they believe in and how they act. It is especially important when it comes to a persons health. A patients culture can influence the decisions they make in regards to their health and treatment. Berman, Snyder, Kozier, Erb (2008, p. 506) define culture as nonphysical traits, such as values, beliefs, attitudes, and customs, that are shared by a group of people and passed from one generation to the next. Nursing is a practice that should incorporate all of these traits. It is essential to understand the patients culture because it will enable us to provide them with the highest quality care possible. This United States has a myriad of people from all cultures and the diversity that exists in hospitals is the reason we should not be ethnocentric. Ethnocentrism is the belief that ones own culture or way of life is better that that of others (Berman, 2008, p. 315). Every client we take care of will have their own views regarding their health. It is our Job to nderstand their perspective and not let our personal views or opinions get in the way of their wishes and desires regarding their treatment plan. The Students and Clients Cultures Guadalupe Maria Armenta is a 23-year-old Hispanic female. She is my sisters best friend and is currently in college to obtain her GED. She was born in Mexico and her family migrated to the United States with her when she was fourteen years old. She has lived in Houston, TX since she arrived to U. S. and has adapted to the way of American living. Maria has learned English, but speaks it with an accent and since er parents have not learned English, she prefers to speak Spanish. Although we are both Hispanic, Maria did not grow up here like I did. Her beliefs and values were already established from the way of living in Mexico when she arrived here. When it comes to her health, Maria usually does not seek medical attention when she is ill. She prefers to use remedios caseros translated to mean natural remedies. In her culture, the mother is the one who takes care of the sick in the family. Her mother will make teas using different herbs to treat different symptoms, r she will make a concoction with different natural ingredients to make a remedy. On occasion she will see a curandera. A curandera is somebody who practices folk medicine. This person will prepare treatments or have a healing ritual or practice for the sick. I believe in modern medicine and will go see a doctor on the onset of symptoms. One of the reasons why Maria may not seek healthcare may be due to her socioeconomic status. Maria lives at home with her parents and three younger siblings. Her mother is a housewife and her dad works outside the home as a painter. They live paycheck by paycheck and cannot afford to have medical insurance. Her two younger siblings have Medicaid and are usually the only ones who will see a doctor when they are sick. I am blessed that my Job offers medical, dental, and vision insurance. Regarding our spiritual needs, Maria is a very devoted catholic. Maria goes to misa every Sunday and prays with the rosary every day. I am nondenominational and would like to go to church every Sunday but my Job does not allow it. She will wear the necklace with Virgin Mary on it because she believes it protects her from harm nd illness. Maria is a faithful member of her church and she will seek her priest and other church members when she needs advice. In the past, when somebody has been very sick in Marias family, the priest will come over and pray for them and then sprinkle holy water on them. Her belief is that God has blessed the water and its power to heal is greater than any medicine a doctor prescribes. When it comes to death, Marias spiritual belief is to pray a holy rosary using rosary beads and crucifix for the dead for a novena, or nine days. She believes praying the rosary will help he soul into heaven. In my church, we pray for the person before they die and once they pass there is nothing more we can do for them. The Snares of Ethnocentrism In order to provide the best quality care I will have to be culturally sensitive and be able to convey this sensitivity to Maria, her family, and other members of the health care team. First, I will have to be aware of my own culture, personal biases, attitudes, and beliefs before I can understand another clients culture. Since Maria feels more comfortable speaking Spanish, communication with the healthcare team who cannot peak Spanish may present a problem. She may have trouble understanding the medical Jargon in English or she may not be able to effectively communicate and ask questions. In Marias culture, natural medicine is used more often than modern medicine, so certain treatments or medications necessary for her health improvement may be rejected. Due to financial constraint, she may reject the treatments or medications for fear of them being too costly. Because Maria has such strong spiritual beliefs, it may upset her to stay in the hospital and not be able to attend church. Her family and extended family are very close to her and may not be able to visit or be at the bedside if the hospital has strict visiting rules. Toward Culturally-competent Care To be able to give Maria and her family a positive hospital experience I would have to negotiate with the hospital and the staff on how we can make accommodations to make them feel comfortable and taken care of. To best understand Marias culture, I would ask questions regarding her beliefs and practices and not make assumptions. I would get Maria and her family an interpreter to ease verbal communication. If Maria r family refuses a treatment or medication I would have to respect their decision and recognize that it is their right to make their own healthcare choices. I would talk to the priest of the hospital and arrange for him to possibly make daily visits so she can still feel have spiritual support while she remains in the hospital. If she is well enough to be able to visit the hospital chapel she could do that as well. I know how important family is in Marias culture. It is especially important to have them at your side during illness so I would inform the family of vising hours and allow them to otate in and out of the room so they can each have a chance to spend time with her. When taking care of any client from another culture, it will be important to consider all parts of the client including: physical, psychological, socio-and cultural heritage, developmental, and spiritual needs. Reference Berman n er S. J. , Kozier, B ). Kozier and Erbs tundamentals ot nursing: Concepts, process, and practice (8th ed. ). Upper Saddle River: Pearson and Prentice Hall. Jarvis, C. (2008). Physical examination and health assessment (5th ed. ). St. Louis, MO: Saunders
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Glossary of Terms Regarding Evolution
Glossary of Terms Regarding Evolution Following are definitions of common terms referring to the Theory of Evolution that everyone should know and understand, though this is by no means a comprehensive list. Many of the terms are often misunderstood, which can lead to an inaccurate understanding of evolution. The links lead to more information on the topic: Adaptation: Changing to fit a niche or survive in an environment Anatomy: Study of the structures of organisms Artificial Selection: Characteristics selected by humans Biogeography: Study of how species are distributed across the Earth Biological Species: Individuals that can interbreed and produce viable offspring Catastrophism: Changes in species that happen because of quick and often violent natural phenomena Cladistics: Method of classifying species in groups based on ancestral relationships Cladogram: Diagram of how species are related Coevolution: One species changing in response to changes in another species that it interacts with, particularly predator/prey relationships Creationism: Belief that a higher power created all life Darwinism: Term commonly used as a synonym for evolution Descent With Modification: Passing down traits that might change over time Directional Selection: Type of natural selection in which an extreme characteristic is favored Disruptive Selection: Type of natural selection that favors both extremes and selects against the average characteristics Embryology: Study of the earliest stages of development of an organism Endosymbiotic Theory: Currently accepted theory as to how cells evolved Eukaryote: Organism made of cells that have membrane-bound organelles Evolution: Change in populations over time Fossil Record: All known traces of past life ever found Fundamental Niche: All available roles an individual can play in an ecosystem Genetics: Study of traits and how they are passed down from generation to generation Gradualism: Changes in species that happen over long periods of time Habitat: Area in which an organism lives Homologous Structures: Body parts on different species that are similar and most likely evolved from a common ancestor Hydrothermal Vents: Very hot areas in the ocean where primitive life might have begun Intelligent Design: Belief that a higher power created life and its changes Macroevolution: Changes in populations at the species level, including ancestral relationships Mass Extinction: Event in which large numbers of species died out completely Microevolution: Changes in species at a molecular or gene level Natural Selection: Characteristics that are favorable in an environment and are passed down while undesirable characteristics are bred out of the gene pool Niche: ​Role an individual plays in an ecosystem Organelle: Subunit within a cell that has a specific function Panspermia Theory: Early theory proposing that life came to Earth on meteors from outer space Phylogeny: Study of relative connections between species Prokaryote: Organism made up of the simplest type of cell; has no membrane-bound organelles Primordial Soup: Nickname given to the theory that life started in the oceans from the synthesis of organic molecules Punctuated Equilibrium: Long periods of consistency of a species interrupted by changes that happen in quick bursts Realized Niche: Actual role an individual plays in an ecosystem Speciation: The creation of a new species, often from evolution of another species Stabilizing Selection: Type of natural selection that favors the average of the characteristics Taxonomy: ​Science of classifying and naming organisms Theory of Evolution: Scientific theory about the origins of life on Earth and how it has changed over time Vestigial Structures: Body parts that seem to no longer have a purpose in an organism
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Leading - Understand Groups and Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Leading - Understand Groups and Teams - Essay Example This implies that organization leaders need to be concerned with people working within the organization as much as they are concerned with results and expectations. Crises are usual occurrences in an organization. A crisis can have disastrous results on an organization that lacks concrete management or leadership. Leading an organization in the first few months after a disaster is of particular interest since it requires balancing the needs and expectations of the organizations as well as those of other stakeholders (Kalb, 1993). This essay will discuss the expectations of an organizational leader in the few months after a disaster. The essay will discuss the group model of leadership as opposed to team model. Leading an organization for the first few months after a disaster has occurred is challenging to both the leader and the employees. This is because there is need to find a solution to the immediate problems as well as ensure employee satisfaction. Being successful in organizati onal leadership requires organizational leaders to organize their employees in order to achieve the objectives of the organization as well as employee satisfaction. In this case, an organizational leader will employ either a team model or a group model. A group leadership model will be the most appropriate in steering the organization through the crisis. The group leadership model has groups as its basic structure. In this case, a group is composed of people with similar work objectives. As opposed to team models, group models are easy to develop since they are based on visible qualities of employees, it will also be easy for an organization leaders to steer an organization from a crisis through group leadership. Unlike teams, groups are made of people who are united by a common goal or problem. In this case, the common problem will be the disaster that has occurred within the organization. A group will also be based on the availability of a common solution for the immediate problem . This factor makes group leadership models to be more preferable than team models. Unlike groups, team are concerned with success in a particular area of strategic management. Leading an organization through a crisis requires facing or accepting reality. This will involve establishing the root cause of the problem before coming up with possible solution. If the cause of a crisis is a natural disaster, then the organization leader will be concerned with finding both short term and long-term measures to fix the problem. A crisis resulting from natural disasters may make things worse for the organization and therefore, organizational leaders should be prepared to tackle any aftermath or occurrence. Before trying to fix the problem, a leader needs to address the available groups of employees. This will involve creation of positive behaviours that will enable the employees to survive through the resultant problems that were caused by the natural disaster. Understanding group behaviours will be the basis of group development. The organization leader will be concerned with developing positive behaviour for each member of the group and each group. In this case, positive behaviours are behaviours that will enable the organization to achieve both short-term and long-term interventions for the immediate problems (Lawrence, Weber, Post, 2005). In the group behaviour model, knowledge, skills, and ability are significant element of organizational le
Strategic Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Strategic Plan - Assignment Example objectives of the institution, strategies to address each of the objectives, at least one inmate program that will aid in achieving each objective and a method for assessing success for each objective. If this research paper was read by the public, the definite impact would be that many people would be informed about this correctional institution. criminals would fear going there and the public would know that the United states government cares for their welfare and security. The proposed strategies would probably be adopted or modified by the management at ADX Florence. The research has been done using internet sources whose references are listed at the end of this research paper. The name of this maximum facility correctional institution is ADX. it is also known by the names ADX Florence, Florence ADMAX, Supermax or the Alcatraz of the Rockies. as mentioned above, this penitentiary is governed by the Federal Bureau of Prisons of the United States. The facility was opened in 1994 and it is located at Fremont County Colorado. its security class is ranked as Supermax hence the name. actually ADX Florence is the most secure prison in the United States earning itself a record in the Guinness world book of records. the facility houses prisoners that have been rendered too dangerous or high-profile for normal prisoners. 95% of prisoners sent here have a history of violent behavior in other normal prisons. here are images of the exterior view of the prison. A published mission statement could not be found but the reason why the penitentiary was founded was to be a home to United States most violent and evil criminals most of whom had committed various murders and had no value for life. the long term goal
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Gender Dynamics of Men and Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Gender Dynamics of Men and Women - Essay Example Moreover, new insights about the importance of genders are also discussed in the article. Obviously the writer has knowledge about animal behaviors and Matt Ridley seems to take special interest in animals to explain his point. His first argument questions if men are necessary at all. If the reason for their existence is for evolution purposes, then, they probably are as unimportant as males are in some animal families. â€Å"Whiptail lizards are an all male species. Various fish, crustaceans, insects, and worms can reproduce without the male sex†(Ridley, 225), he notes. This implies that if there are animals which are able to reproduce without males, then it should be possible for humans, too. The author then goes to cite the fact that there can now be virgin births through the help of science and technology. Therefore, the argument that males are necessary for reproduction is not anymore a convincing reason for their existence. Females can maintain human life without males. The second argument Ridley presents is the probability that men exist because women invented it. This may be a ridiculous idea which could get a lot of reactions from readers but the author expounds his considerations through humorous manners that it is rather entertaining than infuriating. He cites the example of the female elephant seal which chooses the strong and evil male to father her babies who might be killed by their own father as he tramples them underfoot. Ridley says, â€Å"-females are responsible for these. It is their fault because they have been allowing victors of battles to win their hearts for thousands of generations†(227). He then ends his argument with a neutral note that if women invented men, likewise, men invented women. That is, how women look at males suggests how men should be- big muscles, good looks, etc. On the other hand, sexy women with swollen breasts, small waist and big hips are what define women as suggested by the males. The ideas in th e article could be sensitive to some readers, seemingly attacking the males, suggesting that they are not needed in the modern world if the only reason for their existence is evolution. However, it is written with humorous insights which balance the issue. To some degree, this could be true. Still, males would counteract that there could be no source of semen when they get extinct. This may lead to a wider scope of the debate. Nevertheless, to stick with the article, let it be said by this author that males may sure be unimportant these days considering Ridley’s argument but child-bearing would not be as wonderful as it is without sex. Sure, there are always ways to get that excitement of love-making but I believe nothing beats that which one gets with the opposite sex. On the making of the woman and man, I strongly agree that somehow, we have created what men and women are: their roles, looks, and uses. For generations, women were known to be child-bearers, caretakers and ho usekeepers. With the rise of feminism, liberalism and fight for equality, more desirable women were created- the modern woman who has an education, culture, high-paying job, with good looks and figure. Men and women were probably created equal- equally beautiful and necessary, but we have drawn the line that separates males and females and in an ironic way, Ridley questioned the necessity of the existence of males. The Failure of Feminism on the other hand has a serious tone, almost angry in expressing the ideas presented. The article is written by Phyllis
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Assess the value of Kingdon's multiple streams approach for analysing Essay
Assess the value of Kingdon's multiple streams approach for analysing agenda-setting - Essay Example The multiple stream frameworks are a combination of different public issues as well as ideas and politics (Howlett & et. al., 2009). The framework provides an opportunity to move the policy issue in the government agenda. The framework is helpful in developing strategies that is applicable for different policy areas and analyse how the policies are framed in case of lack of self-interest of the individuals. The Kingdon model analyses the situation in which the issues are involved in the political agenda and puts certain problems at the different level of priority. In addition, this theory also describes how the alternative solution to the issues is developed (Zahariadis, 2007). The Kingdon model of multiple stream theory is based on three elements that are ‘policy’, ‘problem’ as well as ‘politics’ (Furlong, n.d.). The three factors of the model facilitate change in the policy. The three streams of the Kingdon model are different from each other and are often guided through separate rules. The problem factor of the model is essential for agenda setting because it defines certain condition of the concerned issue. The ideas of the policy makers are translated to relevant policies, as they are feasible and acceptable. On the other hand, the politics stream of the Kingdon model indicates the legislative turnover, the increase in administrative pressure or dependence on nation (Howlett & et. al., 2009). The implementation of the three streams of Kingdon model in public policy ensures increased attention of the policy makers because the three factors result affects the changes in agenda. Timing is one of the vital factors in agenda because it influences the particular problem and policies linked with the issue of public policy. The three elements of the Kingdon model are independent of each other. However, for the success of agenda it is necessary that any two
Monday, November 18, 2019
Respond post Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Respond post - Essay Example at when the need for tax increase arises, which is normal, it would be difficult to get support from the public as they would interpret it as an increase in cost of living. Second, the writer highlights the proposal that a national sales tax should be established. In brief, the system would involve collecting sales tax at all retail establishments equal to 23% instead of taxing income. My response is in favor of the proposal. This is because the system would spread the tax burden evenly. This is because everyone buys things. Therefore, it curbs means of cheating and evading tax. 2. According to the article, Income Tax Reform and Flat Tax, the federal tax code is too detailed and lengthy. The writers propose a flat rate tax on income. It will make sure citizens have more money in their pockets as well as eliminate bureaucracy, long and expensive procedures during filing. Another proposal is Simple Exact Tax, and that is pure, fair and pro-growth. My response is that reform is necessary as we are evolving. The current system consumes time and money. Any error in the forms is fined by the government making the system very demanding (Jones, Thomas, & T.Lang, 2012). With the introduction of new taxes like medical excise tax, it gets more frustrating. 3. The White House and Treasury Department have released Business Tax Reform that has suggestions for simplifying tax law and stimulate economic growth. The document proposes adoption of methods that will make it easier for people to start and run startups by reducing the deductions (The White House and the Department of the Treasury, 2012). My response is that if the suggestions are to be adopted, they will spell success for most people. The benefits from this reform would provide a more generous phase-out schedule and considerably simplify and restructure the tax credit rules The White House and the Department of the Treasury. (2012, February). The Presidents Framework For Business Tax Reform. Retrieved April 18, 2015,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Effects of Evaluation and Monitoring of Ecde Programmes Essay Example for Free
Effects of Evaluation and Monitoring of Ecde Programmes Essay The researcher will attempt to investigate the background information, statement of the problem, purpose of the study; objective of the study, significant of the study, limitation of the study and delimitation of the study. The period between 0-6 years is also referred to as formative years. According to guideline series (2006) children are extremely dependent on the people for life sustaining support for example in provision of food, shelter, clothing and attention. Through interaction, punishment and rewards children turn to be individuals whom teachers, parents and other care givers want them to be. This period is very important for children because it is the foundation of their total life. Experiences of these years continue to influence the individual throughout life. It is also a period of the fastest growth and development in all aspects. The brain of the child is most malleable at this stage and hence influences such as care have greater impact. It is therefore very important to invest in early years of a child because research findings show that holistic development of an individual is during thee years Ragor(2008). Most recognized psychologist like Freud and Piaget came up with their theories after many years of observing infants in their formative years. In the united states of America(USA), the CCB is dedicated to enhancing the quality and affordable child care services for all families that was according internet(July 2001). CCB administers federal funds to states territories and tribes to assist low income families in accessing child care service while parents participate in education or training activities. CCB also funds a network of Technical Assistance projects that promote quality and strengthen programme administration. It also shares research findings and help policy makers, programme administrators, communities, caregivers and parents to understand and make good decisions about child care. In Mauritius ECDE is under the Ministry of Women Rights, child development, family welfare and Ministry of Education. 0% of pre-school are run by the state. In 1998 Ministry of Education Acts put the teacher pupil ratio of 1:19. The sector is dominated by untrained caregivers with no minimum qualification. There are three types of staff for example school directors, teachers, and assistant teachers. Teachers have a general education of specific training for pre-school teaching provided by credited Mauritius institute of Education. Teachers and their assistants are paid by the government. Teachers, helpers, learners and auxiliary staff are paid by Parents Teachers Association (PTA). The researcher found that in Kenya after independence the government got directly involve in education activities of young children. Nursery schools and Day-care centres were established. They became directly under the Ministry of Health and Home Affairs. These ministries inspected schools that were stated at that time. The responsibility was later shifted to the Ministry of Education. Many seminars were held which covered all areas including co-ordination, supervision, provision of materials, research and sources of finance. Training programmes were organized for trainers and supervisors so that they could monitors and evaluate ECDE programmes in the grassroots level. However currently according to Ngaroga(2006) the government to contributed to the current expenditure on early childhood development education (ECDE) is 0. 1% where as the primary education is free. At the county level, the ECDE teachers are employed and paid by different employers namely community, parents, local authorities or Faith Based Organizations (FBO). This combination of emotional security and stimulation does not just happen. Those developing and implementing curriculum should bear in mind the ways in which they will create these. Active planning of good routine and activities as well as toys and equipment that will encourage children to play and explore is fundamental. Teachers, caregivers and parents ought to have knowledge skills and attitudes towards helping children to acquire them. Despite government vision to have education for all by the year (2015), quality education has never been realized since the ECDE sector has not been given the attention it deserves. Ngaroga(2005) states that little has been done about educational assessment which should be conducted by various professionals in order to establish the educational needs of the child. This involves very thorough examination of the child in relation to the capabilities and handicap the child is identified to be having. This assessment involves various personnel in different fields. Evaluation and monitoring motivates the learner and measures his or her achievement of the intended objectives and progress. It also enables teachers to give an objective report of an individual child’s performance and determine the usefulness of the method used in teaching children. Thus provides the basis for improving educational programmes.
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